TRUDEAU Comes Out Of The Closet
By Anthony Martini (Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada 2019)
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Thursday, August 9, 2018
I knew that Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau was a Homosexual. Let’s face reality here. There are Billions of people around the world that are religious and were forced to keep their mouths shut by Politicians. New laws were created by Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau regarding Homosexuals.
Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau was the first Prime Minister of Canada to lead every Homosexual Parade in Canada.
Billions and Billions of Dollars went to the Homosexuals in Canada.
95% of all Federal and Provincial and City Jobs in Canada went to Homosexuals.
The RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) from Canada and Jose BARR a U.S. Government Employee and a Kidnapper in the United States of America ordered Homosexuals to rape me after I was kidnapped in California and unlawfully detained for almost 1 full year.
Justin Trudeau is violating my rights and Billions of People’s Rights that are Religious Rights by forcing Homosexuals in our face.
I do not have anything against anyone or any religion BUT do NOT force Homosexuals in our face when you are a Prime Minister of Canada. Do NOT go to France and to the National Assembly of France and force Homosexuals in other Countries.
The duties of a Prime Minister of Canada is to promote all Canadians BUT JUSTIN TRUDEAU ONLY promotes Homosexuals, Homosexuals and Homosexuals.
The RCMP paid Homosexuals that had AIDS, many times, to RAPE me.
A U.S. Government Employee by the name of JOSE BARR that kidnapped me ordered Homosexuals to Rape Me.
Thank GOD that GOD protected me from Homosexuals trying to Rape me. There were homosexuals that ended up having broken arms, legs and broken noses when they tried so hard to rape me many years ago.
When a Prime Minister of Canada is Elected into Office he holds the Highest Position in Canada and his Personal Views and his Personal Opinion is just that and should remain his Personal Opinion of which is NOT called for.
However, Prime Minister of Canada JUSTIN TRUDEAU is NOT a True Canadian and he only represents ONE GROUP of People and that is, the Homosexuals.
All New Laws that Prime Minister of Canada created was ONLY to benefit Homosexuals and NOT Canadians as a whole.
The Homosexuals put Justin Trudeau in POWER with massive voting Fraud. The RCMP also committed Massive Voting Fraud in Canada putting TRUDEAU in Power so they can finally sell DRUGS all across Canada.
Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau rewarded all the Homosexuals Organizations and Groups with BILLIONS and BILLIONS and BILLIONS of Tax Dollars to all of these Homosexual Organizations. NOTHING to benefit all Canadians. Then he created laws that Homosexuals can change their GENDER on Birth Certificates and Transgenders can now go into girls or females washrooms.
I was shocked that last month when I went to the Hospital with my wife to pay for a Hospital Bill and I asked a Hospital Employee where are the washrooms she indicated that Transgender washroom is down the hallway. WHAT?
I do NOT believe that Transgenders should go into a girls or female washroom. NO WAY.
The Government has gone way too far with Homosexuals and violating our Religious Rights.
I believe that everyone is entitled to their Political Opinion even if their Political opinion is wrong and as long as it does not discriminate against others.
Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau is violating all Canadians Legal Rights and Religious Rights.
By Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau being the leader in every Homosexual Parade across Canada he does NOT represent all Canadians and he is also violating every Religion Person’s Legal Rights.
By Justin Trudeau the Leader of the POT HEADS and Leader of the Homosexuals of Canada creating a new POT HEAD Bill that will kill Children across Canada and endanger our Communities is a Huge Violation of all Canadians’ Legal Rights that do NOT do drugs.
Just because JUSTIN TRUDEAU and his brothers and his Mother Margaret Trudeau are all Pot Heads that gives him no Legal Rights to violate all Canadians’ Legal Rights.
All Canadians do have Legal Rights NOT to have their Children around DRUGS.
I warned Canada and Canadians that when this POT HEAD BILL goes through and illegally becomes LAW that Canada will be worse then MEXICO and VENEZUELA combined and you will see that Violence will be so out of hand and out of control that Canada will be the Most Dangerous Country to live in.
One of the main reason why Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau is passing the POT HEAD Bill is because over 75% of Homosexuals all do drugs and of course the Other reason is that he himself is a TRUE POT HEAD.
Instead of the Canadian Minister of Justice arresting Justin Trudeau when he publicly admitted that he did smoke Marijuana on more then one occasion and even when he was an MP (Member of Parliament) the Canadian Minister of Justice fully supports the POT HEAD BILL.
DRUGS are starting to flow in the United States by Canadians. On Saturday, June 2, 2018 a story broke out that on Monday, May 21, 2018 a 77 year old Canadian was arrested at the US Border trying to smuggle 47 kilograms of marijuana into the United States of America. (Click Here To Read Article)
I have seen hundreds of websites from Truro, Nova Scotia, St. John’s Newfoundland, Timmins, Ontario, Kitchener Ontario, All across Canada POT HEADS and Drug Dealers selling Marijuana on line and shipping DRUGS to the United States and around the world.
I warned the United States of America that Drugs will be pouring into the U.S. daily from Canada by tons and tons of illegal drugs, all will be transported by UPS and FEDEX and other carriers and the U.S. Government ignored all the warnings.
Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and the RCMP and every Liberal, Politician and JUDGE will be held criminally responsible for this illegal law that Trudeau is about to put into law.
A Politician can be a homosexual as long as his immoral conduct is not going to be forced into others’ faces and violate others’ religious beliefs.
Prime Minister of Canada is ONLY passing the POT HEAD bill because the majority of Pot Heads are all Homosexuals and the Homosexuals illegally put TRUDEAU in power with massive Voting Fraud.
I believe that there should be ONLY ONE LAW for all Canadians and that is it. No matter who you are or what you are or what religion you are or what sexual orientation you are. ONE LAW FOR ALL CANADIANS.
MONEY for all Canadians and NOT to any groups because that is a clear discrimination against all Canadians.
Stats Canada in Ottawa ONLY hires Homosexuals. Over 95% of all Employees at STATS CANADA are Homosexuals. You cannot get a Job with any Federal or Provincial Government or Agencies unless you are HOMOSEXUALS. Children’s Aid across Canada are all controlled by Homosexuals. WHO RAPES CHILDREN? Homosexuals do.
Like I said I am not Raciest but I do not want to have something I do not believe in being forced down my throat.
Justin Trudeau takes his children and forces them to walk in a Homosexual Parade. You do not see us normal people walking down the street holding a parade saying “LOOK AT ME I’M NORMAL.” Or “LOOK AT ME I AM WHITE.”
There is NO NEED to tell us what Sexual Orientation you are. To me I really do not care BUT don’t shove it down my throat or force others to accept you.
Now we have Reverse Discrimination and now Homosexuals are really violating our rights.
In my opinion what you do in your bedroom should remain in your bedroom and the Government has no rights in the Bedroom. BUT JUSTIN TRUDEAU is soooooo into Homosexuals and that is not right. NEW LAWS was created for Homosexuals and again that is NOT RIGHT at all.
Prime Minister of Canada JUSTIN TRUDEAU is the first Prime Minister to lead every Homosexual Parade from Halifax to Ottawa to Toronto to Montreal to Vancouver. Every Homosexual parade TRUDEAU leads the way.
Homosexual Parades should be abolished in Canada. It is a clear violation of others’ religious beliefs. I am a Catholic and I do not walk down the street yelling I am Catholic. I do not walk down the street saying I AM WHITE. Now in Toronto, Canada each year they hold a Bike Parade where perverts are all naked. Again this is a violation of Canadians’ Legal Rights and it is a huge Moral Violation.
Girls in Toronto are allowed to walk around Topless. This is totally wrong and immoral. Years ago a DYKE who hates men went to Parliament Hill topless and she was sooo UGLY and she was arrested and she challenged the law all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada. Of Course the idiot Judges created a Law saying that it is OK for women to go Topless. Another MORAL ISSUE that the Government failed Canadians.
Ever since TRUDEAU became a Politician his true colours started to explode and slowly he was coming out of the Closet. Actually, Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau is a DRAG QUEEN. Like I said, don’t get me wrong, BUT what happens in one’s bedroom should remain that way.
Prime Minister of Canada has NO LEGAL Rights to violate my legal rights or any other Canadians’ Legal and Religious Rights BUT TRUDEAU does every time he opens his Big Trap.
If you are Homosexual then that is your right BUT don’t shove it in my face and force everyone to accept something that they do not believe in.
PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA JUSTIN TRUDEAU is suppose to Protect all Canadians. He is suppose to represent ALL CANADIANS. He is suppose to create laws for all Canadians BUT HE FAILED EVERY CANADIAN. JUSTIN TRUDEAU ONLY REPRESENTS HOMOSEXUALS because he is a homosexual and he finally came out of the closet.
When a leader represents a Country he should represent every citizen. You do NOT go from Country to Country and play MR. DRESSUP or DRAG QUEEN LIKE TRUDEAU DID.
Actually, I always knew that he was a DRAG QUEEN screaming to come out of the closet. He was always weird. Look at this photo years ago with his father the Late Pierre Elliot Trudeau.
Also when you travel to other Countries as a Prime Minister of Canada you should NOT act stupid and Talk about your socks. Who gives a crap about your socks? JUSTIN TRUDEAU is a Total Disgrace to all Canadians. Only people with Mental Illness talks about their socks on TV and in the Media. A Prime Minister of Canada is NOT suppose to talk abot their socks or even wear socks that are for kids. ARE YOU SERIOUS?
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100% Of Your Donation Will Be Going To Anthony Martini and Annette Martini to Go Into EXILE From Canada To FRANCE!
When I become the Next Prime Minister of Canada I WILL HAVE ONLY ONE LAW FOR ALL CANADIANS. MONEY WILL BE FOR ALL CANADIANS. I WILL NOT AND NEVER SUPPORT ANY GROUPS OR ORGANIZATIONS. ONE LAW FOR ALL CANADIANS and NOT FOR ONE GROUP. And no religion should infringe on other religions and no group of people or organization should infringe or violate others’ rights.