By Anthony Martini – (Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada For 2023)
Thursday, August 1, 2019

My situation as a Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada for 2023 has not changed at all.

Today, August 1st 2019, marks the 9th year that we have no identifications of any kind.

On August 1, 2009, our American Identifications expired while we were living in Costa Mesa, California a small city about 45 miles South of Los Angeles.

The American Government refused to renew all of our Identifications, including an E.A.D. Card, Employment Authorization Card, California Drivers License and a Photo ID Card on illegal orders that they received from Canada, Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper at that time and also illegal orders that they received directly from Lawrence Cannon Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs.

CANADA and the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) and the Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper wanted me dead at all costs because of the information that I knew and I have about Canada's huge drug trade and Canada and the RCMP's dirty secrets.

By Canada illegally ordering the United States Government and President Barack Obama to deny us any identifications, their goal was, to let me die on the streets without any heart medications.

When the United States agreed to join in the persecution and deny us Federal Identifications this created an extensive burden on myself Anthony Martini and my wife Annette Martini to walk the dangerous streets of the U.S.A. with no identifications of any kind.

Without any American Federal Identifications that used to be issued by United States Homeland Security, the State of California denied to renew my wife Annette Martini and myself, a Driver's License and Photo ID. That in turn created a domino effect that was illegally ordered by CANADA and the Prime Minister of Canada which was at that time Stephen Harper.

We had a one bedroom apartment at Camden Martinique in Costa Mesa, California from October 2006 and on July 1, 2010 Camden Martinique illegally refused to renew our Lease even though we paid for our outragious rent for our apartment on time every month and we were never late. This was illegally done by orders of the United States Government that was forcing us on the streets taking illegal orders from CANADA and Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper.

We had 3 Business Bank Accounts and 4 Personal Bank Accounts at Wells Fargo in Costa Mesa, California. However on July 1, 2010 all our Bank Accounts were illegally closed without any notice. According to an employee by the name of JOHN who knew us very well, he indicated that he received direct communications from the United States Homeland Security to close all of our Bank Accounts because our Identifications were going to expire in August 2010 and that United States Homeland Security were NOT going to renew any of our identifications. This was totally new to us. Of course, all of our monies that we had in our Bank Accounts were illegally seized and we had no access to any Bank Accounts or our Money. JOHN from Wells Fargo in Costa Mesa also belonged to the Freemasons, a terrorist Organization. All of our Credit Cards were immediately illegally cancelled without any warnings.

Corrupt Government Employees from the United States Department of Justice and Corrupt Government Employees from the DHS - United States Department of Homeland Security were all receiving illegal drug money and BRIBE Money directly from CANADA, THE RCMP and also from Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper to persecute us in the United States of America.

This persecution is exactly what Canada did to me for over 4 Decades.

Since Camden Martinique Illegally refused to renew our lease for our apartment we were forced to move out of our Small One Bedroom Apartment by July 1, 2010. We found another place and that was a few miles away in a different city in Santa Ana, California. We moved in to a Condo which looked more like a Townhouse.

Time Warner that we were with from 2006 to July 2010 refused to hook up our services even if my account was upto date. Time Warner refused to re-hook up our Internet and TV (Cable). At first they indicated that it would take 3 weeks and after 3 weeks Time Warner totally refused. This was done on purpose to stop me from making any money. Again, the FREEMASONS in California were being paid by CANADA on orders of Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and the Terrorist Organization the RCMP.

Three Weeks after we moved into our new Condo/Townhouse the Property Management Company was trying to have us removed from our new place that we were renting from because our Identifications were not going to be renewed. Everyone knew that the United States Government was NOT going to renew our Identifications before we did. Although, we suspected that they would not because of Canada's illegal involvement. Corrupt Government Employees from the United States Department of Justice in Washington, DC were receiving major bribe money from CANADA and Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper to persecute us and to make sure that our American Identifications will never be renewed and I have all the evidence to back this up.

In December 2010, we were forced to move from our new home and we were thrown out on the streets. It was Christmas time and we were thrown on the streets. CANADA, the RCMP the Terrorist Organization and Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper were hoping that we would DIE in the dangerous streets in California and without Identifications I would be unable to renew my heart pills. CANADA and HARPER and the RCMP were just hoping that I would die in the streets along with my wife, Annette Martini.

We went to over 30 Motels in Costa Mesa, California and in Santa Ana, California trying to checkin a cheap Motel. We were denied by every Motel because our American Identifications Expired. We finally found a place in Santa Ana at the Red Roof Inn located at 2600 N. Main St. The Red Roof Motel employed all ILLEGALS. It was the dirtest motel that I have ever stayed, in my life. Annette, my wife, found it very disgusting and extremely filthy but it was a dirty motel or the streets. However, we had the internet at the Motel although we had to pay for it. Annette and I continued working on our Antique Laptops Making Money to pay for this disgusting Hotel Room. The Red Roof should have been condemned by the Ministery of Health in California but they were not. The Motel Room was full of MOLD. The Carpets were all black and all the MAIDS were all ILLEGALS. The Red Roof Motel should have been closed for Health Violations but too many illegals were all working for the State of California.

Meanwhile, we were again begging FRANCE to give us Emergency Travel Documents to leave FRANCE and we were in direct communications with the Highest Government. In December 2010, we finally received communications from a Deputy in France from the National Assembly or Assemblée nationale, Monsieur Maxime Gremetz, Député de la Somme who indicated that he will be communicating with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France on our behalf.

In January 2011 we received another Emergency Reply from Monsieur Maxime Gremetz, Député de la Somme who indicated that he personally brought up our Emergency to the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs Mme. Michèle Alliot-Marie.

We still have that famous letter from Mme. Michèle Alliot-Marie Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs (FRANCE). That famous letter gave us hope where the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs of FRANCE, Mme. Michèle Alliot-Marie indicated that she would use all of her services to help us. For sure we thought that FRANCE was coming to our Emergency Rescue.

FRANCE knew about my persecution from CANADA and my wife's persecution since 2009. FRANCE also had full knowledge in advance that the United States was NOT going to renew our American Identifications because of CORRUPT American Government Employees that were receiving DRUG MONEY from the Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper.

FRANCE also knew that we were now living in a shaggy Motel and not by choice.

Unfortunately, The Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs of FRANCE, Mme. Michèle Alliot-Marie was suddenly removed from her position over a scandal that did not involve us.

Nothing was done and for the first time in our lives, my wife and I had no identifications from any Country.

In March 2011, The Red Roof Inn located at 2600 N. Main St, in Santa Ana, California told us that we had to leave because of our expired identifications. However, that disgusting motel was full of illegals. The Red Roof Inn was operated by illegals.

Again, we went to every motel pleading with them and again every Motel denied us a bed even though we had money. We were not rich but we were making sales on the Internet enough to pay for our cheap motel room.

My wife and I were exhausted being denied by every motel so we ended up staying at a restaurant that was open 24 hours a day. Annette had a few winks here and there, a minute here and there of a little shut eye and then I had my turn. However, 1 minute here and there of closing our eyes was NOT enough. Our Bodies were just screaming to sleep.

After 48 Hours of no sleep we found a Cheap Motel in Costa Mesa that accepted us with expired Identifications and that was the Costa Mesa Motor Inn located at 2277 Harbor Blvd, Costa Mesa, California. That cheap motel was totally infested with cockroaches. The Costa Mesa Motor Inn was the most disgusting place we ever stayed. Again the Motel was full of ILLEGALS working and living there. It was a very high crime area and we could not go out after dark for our own safety.

We stayed at Costa Mesa Motor Inn from March 2011 until October 23, 2012 until we were kidnapped on Orders of CANADA and Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and on direct orders from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada JOHN BAIRD.

I was taken to the desert about 5 hours away and I was physically tortured daily for almost one full year on orders of CANADA. My wife Annette Martini was taken to Santa Ana, California about 5 miles away where she was persecuted for 1 year. I was threatened that my wife was going to be raped and physically tortured. I was threatened every day by the homosexuals that they were going to rape me. I lost many teeth because of the Physical Torture and my right leg and left arm was severely damaged and still is today.

Poison was placed in my water and food.

On February 28, 2012, I suffered my major fifth heart attack due to physical torture.

In September 18, 2013, Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs JOHN BAIRD forced my wife Annette Martini and I back to Canada against our will. We did NOT come back to Canada on our own but TIED UP and CANADA used FORCE and dragged us back to Canada against our will. CANADA, PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA STEPHEN HARPER and CANADIAN MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS JOHN BAIRD conducted an Illegal International Kidnapping.

Since we were illegally forced back to Canada against our will, CANADA and the Canadian Government and the Canadian Politicians and all Canadian Federal and Province of Ontario Agencies have DENIED my wife, Annette Martini and I any Identifications of any kind.

Passports were DENIED. Social Insurance Numbers (SIN) were denied to reactivate our old SIN or give us NEW SIN. Driver's License and Photo ID's were and still are being denied from the Province of ONTARIO. OHIP (Free Medical Coverage) from the Province of Ontario was denied 15 times. Even the St. Catharines Hospital denied my wife and I any treatments. NOW, The St. Catharines General Hospital denies both of us FREE Medical Care. Emergency x-rays to prove I was physically tortured on orders of Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and direct orders from the Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird were all illegally denied by the Directors of the St. Catharines General Hospital. Even Emergency Blood Test was denied by the St. Catharines General Hospital and still are denied.

We waited until the Terrorist Conservative Government left OTTAWA and I worked so hard in removing the Conservatives from OTTAWA and removing Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird out of OTTAWA. HARPER and BAIRD are terrorists and their day will come when they will be facing the International Courts and charged as a WAR CRIMINAL. I will NOT rest until former Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and Former Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs JOHN BAIRD are finally arrested in an International Arrest Warrant. I will NOT rest until all Canadian Government Employees that were involved in Persecution are all arrested and charged as WAR CRIMINALS.

My wife and I were BOTH denied to vote in the Federal, Provincial and Municipal Elections since we were illegally forced back to Canada against our will when HARPER and BAIRD were directly involved in an International Kidnapping.

As soon as Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and the LIBERALS got elected we went to see our MP (Member of Parliament CHRIS BITTLE in St. Catharines, Ontario but BITTLE refused to meet with us because we were NOT HOMOSEXUALS and his useless STAFF were and still are beyond CLUELESS and DID NOTHING to assist us with Emergency Travel Documents to LEAVE CANADA.

We then contacted Prime Minister of Canada JUSTIN TRUDEAU and demanded Emergency Travel Documents to LEAVE CANADA and instead of TRUDEAU doing his JOB and making sure that we were not going to be further persecuted by CANADA, TRUDEAU decided to escalate the Persecution against my wife, Annette Martini and I, Anthony Martini.


On August 1, 2019, it has been 9 YEARS WITHOUT IDENTIFICATIONS. On September 18, 2019 IT WILL BE 9 FULL YEARS WITH NO FREEDOM, NO IDENTIFICATIONS and NO PASSPORTS from CANADA. This includes United States.

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau REFUSES to give us the Minimum Citizenship Rights. TRUDEAU refused to give us any Federal Identifications and Passports and TRAVEL DOCUMENTS. The Province of Ontario has denied us Emergency Identifications.

The Liberals and Conservatives MP's and Party Leaders in OTTAWA, Canadian Parliment or Canadian House of Commons ALL refused to take an EMERGENCY VOTE to prove once and for all the one question: ARE WE CANADIANS YES OR NO?

The Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Ahmed Hussen, a FOREIGNER from Somalia REFUSES to reinstate our Canadian Citizenship and refuses to issue us Emergency PASSPORTS or EMERGENCY TRAVEL DOCUMENTS.

All Canadian Politicians and ALL Canadian Ministers that refused to GIVE US THE BASIC CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS will all be arrested and charged as WAR CRIMINALS. It's just a matter of Time.

The Liberal Party of Canada are TERRORISTS. The Conservative Party of Canada are all TERRORISTS.

If YOU VOTE for either LIBERALS or CONSERVATIVES PARTY then you are supporting TERRORISTS.

President George W. Bush once said after 9/11 Attacks the following:


The Conservative Party of Canada and the Liberal Party of Canada and their leaders and Politicians are ALL TERRORISTS, that persecuted me for over 4 decades and physically tortured me for 3 decades.

It is TIME TO END the abuse from these two Corrupt and Dangerous Political Parties in Canada which are the LIBERALS and CONSERVATIVES. IF YOU VOTE OR SUPPORT OR GIVE MONEY TO THESE TWO POLITICAL PARTIES THAT ARE TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS then you support terrorism.

9 YEARS OF NO IDENTIFICATIONS caused by these two Terrorist Political Organization. It is time to SAY NO MORE LIBERAL PARTY and NO MORE CONSERVATIVE PARTY in CANADA.


Please donate so we can leave Canada by clicking below.

Please Donate To Help Us Get Freedom (Click Here)

To See Proof that we wrote to the Leader of the Concervative Party of Canada please click below.

Click on the Link Below to see the Emergency Letter we sent to every MP (Member of Parliament) in Canada. Letter Sent to Canadian Conservative leader Andrew Scheer and every MP in Ottawa, Canada

(CLICK HERE TO READ LETTER TO Canadian Conservative leader Andrew Scheer and every MP in Ottawa, Canada)

To see a REPLY from the Canadian Deputy Speaker Bruce Stanton - (Concervative) Staff (Click Below)


These are the Terrorist Political Parties and their Criminal Staff. These are what Canadians have voted for, for the past 150 years always placing the two Terrorists Political Party the LIBERALS or THE CONCERVATIVES in POWER.
It is time to totally abolish the LIBERALS and CONCERVATIVES and have their Leaders past and present arrested and charged for their WAR CRIMES.

Perhaps you should tear up all your identifications and let's see how long you will last and how far you will get.



Anthony Martini (Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada For 2019)