By Anthony Martini – (Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada For 2019)
Wednesday, June 5, 2019 –

UPDATED - Thursday, June 6, 2019 at 1:50 PM (ET)

My situation as a Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada for 2019 has not changed at all.

Canadian Deputy Speaker Of The House of Commons and Chair of Committees of the Whole of the House of Commons Bruce Stanton MP MUST IMMEDIATELY RESIGN and his staff should be all immediately arrested and fired and banned forever from working in any Canadian Government Jobs.

On Monday, May 6, 2019, My wife Annette Martini and I, sent an Emergency Letter to every (MP) Member of Parliament in Ottawa, Canada to take an Emergency Vote of YES or NO Vote to the ONE QUESTION - ARE WE CANADIANS or NOT?

It was a Simple request.

We sent a signed letter to MP BRUCE STANTON who is also Deputy Speaker at the Canadian House of Commons Parliment Hill. <

It was so simple, 1 hour of all Politicians time to take a YES or NO Vote. My wife Annette Martini and I demanded a ONE VOTE by all MP's in Ottawa. However, instead of us getting an Emergency Vote we received ridicule email from BRUCE STANTON (MP) Staff. The letter that was sent to BRUCE STANTON MP Personally, is here -


The Emergency Letter was NOT addressed to any of his incompetant and useless staff but only to BRUCE STANTON (MP). However, his bully staff decided to ridicule me, a Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada and BRUCE STANTON MP' totally useless staff decided to ridicule my wife Annette Martini (LOOK BELOW TO SEE THEIR HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION REMARKS.)

Evidence that came from Staff Members of BRUCE STANTON - Click Below or View Screen Shots Below:

(Screen Shot 1) - (Screen Shot 2) - (Screen Shot 3)

In the Screen Shot Below in the Subject Line BRUCE STANTON STAFF wrote as follows

RE: If you get board, this is a fun to read. WOW

Screen Shot 1: Below - Email from BRUCE STANTON STAFF - Look at the Subject Line - This email was sent by mistake to me.

Screen Shot 1 - Subject Area -

Screen Shot 2 Below - Header -

Screen Shot 2 - Headers

Screen Shot 3 Below - Header -

Screen Shot 3 - Headers

I, Anthony Martini along with my wife Annette Martini did file a Formal Complaint with BRUCE STANTON MP. We were beyond shocked to discover that BRUCE STANTON (MP) Staff were illegally sending our Emergency Document and Legal Document to all of their friends. BRUCE STANTON (MP) Staff violated International Laws by ridiculing my wife and I. His useless staff even violated Discrimination Laws.

There was NOTHING in our Emergency Document and our LEGAL LETTER sent to all MP's in Ottawa, Canada and to BRUCE STANTON (MP) to even think that our letter and legal document was FUNNY. NOR, was our Emergency Letter and Legal Document addressed to any of BRUCE STANTON (MP) useless staff, his employees.

I did demand an immediate written and public appology from BRUCE STANTON (MP) but instead I received an email. The email could be from his staff members and maybe it was from BRUCE STANTON (MP) but nonetheless, I now demand that his staff members that participated in this crime to be immediately fired and NOW I demand that BRUCE STANTON (MP) immediately resign from Deputy Speaker of the Canadian House of Commons (Parliament Hill) and I demand that BRUCE STANTON (MP) immediately step down as MP.

I did say that I will hold all MP's totally accountable in Ottawa if I do not get a YES or NO Vote to one simple question and that is "ARE WE CANADIANS? - YES or NO"

After filing an official complaint BRUCE STANTON (MP) sent me the most stupid email I have ever received in my life from a Politican. If BRUCE STANTON (MP) read our Legal Document and our Emergency Letter then he would not have sent the insane email below:


Email Dated: Wednesday, May 29, 2019 - 4:27 PM (EDT)

Subject: RE: requests concerning passports, citizenship

Hi Mr. and Mrs. Martini,

Thank you for your patience. I have looked into the questions you have posed and here is what I was able to find:

With regards to your citizenship question, this is something that can only be answered through the department itself. A vote to answer your question, unfortunately, would not determine your status. My first suggestion would be to confirm with Citizenship and Immigration Canada your current status; whether you are a permanent resident or a citizen.

The best way to contact them is through phone at 1-888-242-2100. Since you were born in Italy, you may wish to reach out to the Consulate General of Italy to get assistance with retrieving documents like your birth certificate. They can be reached at (416) 977-1566.

Once you have determined the status, you will be able to proceed with an application to receive documentation. If they determine that you are a Canadian citizen, you will need to submit and application for a Citizenship Certificate:

If CIC determines that you are a permanent resident, you can submit an application for a Permanent Resident Card:

Both of these links will take you to the main application page which includes an instruction guide, document checklist, application form, photograph specifications, and other optional forms.

Securing a PR Card or Certificate of Citizenship will be key in getting your passport, OHIP card, and Ontario Driver’s Licence.

In order to retrieve Mrs. Martini’s birth certificate, you will need to go through the Province of Quebec. This can be done online, through the mail, or in person. Here is more information on that process:

Once you have acquired the necessary ID, you will need to submit an Adult General Passport Application. For more information, I have provided a link to Passport Canada’s website:

The nearest Passport Office to you is located at the Pen Centre - 221 Glendale Avenue, Suite 604, St. Catharines, Ontario. This location only provides passport services and would be able to review your applications to ensure they are completed correctly to prevent any issues while it is being processed.

With regards to your provincial documents (Health Card and Driver’s Licence), I have included links to the Ontario government’s website:

Ontario Health Card -

Ontario Driver’s Licence – / /

I recommend reaching out to your local Member of Provincial Parliament, as they have contacts within Service Ontario and may be able to assist you in getting a Health Card and Driver’s Licence. (REMOVED) is your local MPP. I have included her contact information below:


In order to move forward, it would be best to start with reaching out to Citizenship and Immigration to ascertain your citizenship status. Since you do not reside within my riding, I encourage you to reconnect with your local MP, Chris Bittle, as his office will be able to submit inquiries to CIC on your behalf if you encounter any issues with the department.

I realize that there are many steps to getting resolution on your current request and this process can seem arduous and time-consuming. I can relate to this from the many constituents in my riding whom have painstakingly gone through it when they were in circumstances similar to your own. I suggest taking it one step at a time, keeping good records and try to meet any deadline dates. Gradually you will prevail and the issues of your citizenship can be put behind you forever.

It is my earnest wish that you will succeed in this effort.

I hope this information is helpful.


Bruce Stanton, M.P. Simcoe North /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


It appears that BRUCE STANTON MP did not read the PDF file and if he did this was by far the worse reply I have ever received in my life. This was another SLAP in my face from one of the most Powerful Politician in OTTAWA. This insane reply came from the DEPUTY SPEAKER of the House of Commons in Ottawa, Canada.

BRUCE STANTON MP, refused to have a VOTE as a DEPUTY SPEAKER. If he had respect he would have read a simple short 11 page letter and now this so called Politician that is beyond useless with his staff wants me to go and apply with the Canadian Immigration and even try to obtain a Permanent Resident Card. I really thought that the Canadian Deputy Speaker of the House was SMART and now after his reply I know that he is not smart at all.

I shake my head in disgust to know that this Politician is clueless because he would not have responded with this insane email.

My Letter and My wife's Letter was very simple that an Elementry Student would have known what we wanted. IT WAS SIMPLE, A YES OR NO VOTE!

Instead, I get this email that got me so furious.

This is coming from the Deputy Speaker of the House known as Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada.

Hundreds of Millions of People world wide have read the letter addressed to all MP's - Members of Parliament in Ottawa, Canada and they all understood. Everyone understood except BRUCE STANTON MP and his USELESS STAFF!

This is what people voted for, where BRUCE STANTON MP and his staff ridiculed Canadians and people in his own riding.

My Wife Annette Martini and I were kidnapped by the Conservative Government and by Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper at that time and illegally forced back to Canada on September 18, 2013. Ever since then, the Canadian Government refuses to give us any identifications of any kind.

There will be accountablity against every single MP in Canada and every single MPP in the Province of Ontario, Canada if we do NOT get all of our identifications and Passports and Freedom.

IF WE DO NOT GET A YES or NO VOTE and IF WE DO NOT GET ALL OF OUR IDENTIFICATIONS and PASSPORTS, then I will be holding every Politician in Canada Criminally Responsible and I will force QUEEN ELIZABETH II to disolve the Canadian Parliament even if there was an election.




I DEMAND THAT BRUCE STANTON MP immediately resigns from Deputy Speaker of the House and Immediately Leave Politics for his abuse and his staff abuse. There will be accountability when a Politician looks the other way when a Crime is being committed.

Canadian House of Commons – Parliament Hill and every MP (Member of Parliament) MUST now take a Vote. ARE WE CANADIANS YES or NO?

I, Anthony Martini along with my wife Annette Martini are now forcing CANADA and every MP to take an Emergency Vote.

If Canada FAILS then there will be severe Legal Consequences and Political Turmoil!

Anthony Martini (Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada For 2019) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


UPDATED - Thursday, June 6, 2019 at 1:50 PM (ET)

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Dear Hon. Bruce Stanton,

We acknowledge receipt of your email dd Wednesday, May 29, 2019.

I, was unable to respond to your email right away because your email was another slap in my face and another slap in my wife Annette Martini's face.

Hon. Bruce Stanton, I trusted that you would have assisted us as a Politician and as Deputy Speaker and Chair of Committees of the Whole.

It would have taken you no more then one hour to write a Letter to the Premier of Ontario Doug Ford to demand that he assist us with Identifications from the Province of Ontario.

In the same one hour, you SIR, could have sent a Letter to The Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland and demanded answers on who in her department arranged and ordered our kidnapping and torture and who falsified Travel Documents to illegally force us back to Canada, against our will.

In the same hour SIR, you could have gotten your staff to type an Emergency letter to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Ahmed Hussen and demanded that he gives us Citizenship Cards and Immediate Emergency Passports.

In the same hour SIR, you could have gotten your staff to type an Emergency letter to the Minister of Employment, Workforce, and Labour - Patty Hajdu to give us a new SIN.

In the same hour SIR, you could have gotten your staff to type an Emergency letter to the Leader of Canadian Conservative Party Andrew Scheer, your BOSS, and Andrew Sheer would have been the next Prime Minister of Canada in 2019 BUT CANADIANS ARE ALL watching on who is going to take a YES OR NO VOTE and who is going to give us Emergency Identifications, Emergency Passports and EMERGENCY OHIP and Emergency Social Insurance Numbers, Emergency Driver's Licenses, Emergency Photo ID and Emergency Canadian Citizenship Cards.

The World is watching what Ottawa and all it's Politicians are going to do next or not going to do and the world is watching very closely what my next Legal Step will be.

Liberals are losing all across Canada and that is NOT because of Canadian Conservative Party Andrew Scheer but because of me contacting all Canadians.

Hon. Bruce Stanton, I did not contact you as an MP for Simcoe North BUT as a Politician and as a Canadian and nor did my wife Annette Martini contact you in a capacity as an MP for Simcoe North.

Hon. Bruce Stanton, we also contacted you SIR under LAWS of the United Nations and under LAWS under the International Courts. We did NOT contact you as an MP from Simcoe North.

YOU SIR, are one of the Highest Politician in Canada and we contacted you SIR, like we contacted all MPs in Canada and NOT under their own riding.

Hon. Bruce Stanton, instead of your staff passing you our First Legal Emergency Letter, demanding an Emergency VOTE, your staff decided to redicule me, Anthony Martini a Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada and ridiculed my wife Annette Martini and violated all International Laws and United Nations Laws.

When I Filed an Official Complaint to you SIR, you responded and I appreciated that. However, the damage was done and the person or persons still walked free with zero punishments.

You SIR, did NOT give us all the names of your staff that violated International Laws and United Nations Laws.

When you asked if there was anything you can do, I gave you a small list BUT at the same time, I thought that you read our SHORT 11 Page PDF letter that I sent you with my wife Annette Martini. That SHORT 11 Page Emergency Letter was a Short Version of FOUR DECADES of Human Rights Abuse from CANADA and the RCMP and briefly discussed numerous attempted murders on my life from the RCMP.

IF you SIR, had read that short Emergency Letter, you would have known not to send me or my wife a total insane email as you have done.


ONE SIMPLE VOTE and ONE SIMPLE ANSWER and instead SIR, You decided to insult us with your insane email.

If you SIR, read our short letter of 11 Pages that explained all of what we did before contacting you SIR and every MP in Ottawa, you would have known all the steps we had taken. YOU SIR, would also have known that it was the previous Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and the Previous Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird that ordered our kidnapping in 2012 from the United States of America and YOU SIR, would have read that those Two Human Rights abusers, ordered my Physical Torture and my wife's torture.

YOU SIR, had the power to have a YES or NO VOTE but you SIR decided to SLAP us in the face with your insane email.

In Your Email YOU SIR, wrote as follows:

"I realize that there are many steps to getting resolution on your current request and this process can seem arduous and time-consuming. I can relate to this from the many constituents in my riding whom have painstakingly gone through it when they were in circumstances similar to your own."

The above statement was another slap in our faces, from you, SIR.

Your constituents have never been tortured by the RCMP.

Your constituents have never had to go without any identifications or passports for 2,087 Days.

Your constituents never had their children kidnapped by the RCMP.

Your constituents have never had their child at 17 months old murdered by the RCMP.

Your constituents have never been persecuted by the RCMP.

Your constituents have never been persecuted by CANADA.

Your constituents have never been kidnapped by CANADA.

Your constituents have never received daily beatings from the RCMP.

Your constituents have never had to fight the CANADIAN GOVERNMENT like we have and for so long.

Your constituents have never had all of their bones broken by the RCMP, like I did.

Your constituents have never had their life ended at 15 years old.

Your constituents have never been denied PASSPORTS, SOCIAL INSURANCE NUMBERS, DRIVER'S LICENSES, OHIP, or denied a Photo ID or ever denied Medical Treatment in the Province of Ontario like we have been.

Your constituents have never been denied to Pay Taxes or Collect Taxes.

Your constituents have never been ERASED from the RCMP a Terrorist Organization, like we have and that is why we cannot prove we are Canadians and it is NOT our responsibility to prove that we are Canadians when CANADA participated in INTERNATIONAL KIDNAPPING and forced us back to Canada, against our will.

If you had read our letter or if you visited my website at then you would have realized that as of today'S date of Thursday, June 6, 2019 that it is now 2,087 days that I, Anthony Martini and my wife, Annette Martini never had any Canadian Federal and Ontario Identifications of any kind and nor Passports.

We are the ONLY two Canadians that have no identifications and that we cannot prove that we are Canadians, and NOR do we have to, because CANADA was involved in an International Kidnapping and CANADA illegally forced us back to Canada against our will and CANADA illegally erased us from any existance and so did the RCMP.

If you had read our SHORT 11 Page Letter YOU SIR, would have realized that I, Anthony Martini wanted and still want to testify against the RCMP for their roles in Kidnapping, Torture, Numerous Attempted Murders and for the RCMP being directly involved in massive drug trade that has been going on, on approval of past and present Ministers of Foreign Affairs BUT YOU SIR, decided to send me another SLAP in my face and denied me the Legal Rights under International Laws and United Nations Laws to TESTIFY before an Honest Committee.

If you read our SHORT 11 Page Letter YOU SIR, would have realized that our MP Chris Bittle was and is beyond useless and so was his staff, BUT your staff violated International Laws and United Nation Laws.

If You SIR, read our first letter we sent you in PDF with our signatures, then YOU SIR would have stepped in and immediately have helped us, instead of allowing your STAFF to violate International Laws and United Nations Laws and abuse their Authorty and violate our Privacy by sending our Legal Document to all of their friends and ridiculing us.

If you SIR, had read our Emergency Letter you would have known that it is NOT our responsibility to chase after the Canadian Government to give us identifications. This was and is the Sole Responsibility of the Federal Government to have immediately met us at the Border when we were forced back to Canada against our will with all of our Identifications, Passports and Free Medical or free OHIP in Ontario, Canadian Citizenship Cards, Social Insurance Numbers, Driver's Licenses and Photo Identifications.

You SIR, insulted us with your insane email and again you just tossed us away in the garbage with no remorse, no dignity and no respect for us or Human Lives and our Freedom. You SIR, violated International Laws and United Nations Laws.

YOU, Hon. Bruce Stanton, violated all of our Legal Rights to BASIC CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS under the United Nations Laws and International Laws and YOUR Staff violated all Laws.

Therefore, under International Laws and under United Nations Laws, we demand that you Hon. Bruce Stanton, give us the complete names of your staff, that were involved in violating our Legal Rights with all of their addresses, so we can proceed with all International Laws against them.

Since, YOU Hon. Bruce Stanton, refused to take an EMERGENCY VOTE then I, Anthony Martini and I, Annette Martini demand your Immediate Resignation as Deputy Speaker and Chair of Committees of the Whole and as an MP.

I, Anthony Martini will expect nothing less, except your immediate resignation and your staff to be immediately arrested for their violations and their immediate firing.

I, Anthony Martini, gave you SIR, a Second Chance. Instead of you taking that golden opportunity of a Second Chance, to make things right, you SIR, decided to slap my wife and I in the face with your insane email.

In our Letter dd Monday, May 6, 2019 that we sent you SIR and to all MPs, we wrote as follows:

"If CANADA Fails us one last time, in any way or if CANADA or its Politicians or its RCMP or its Media, try to attack us, in any way shape or form, then we will demand that the United Nations close Canada down and we will demand that the United Nations does a major round up of all involved with persecuting us."

IT WAS SO SIMPLE, A YES OR NO VOTE! Instead you, Hon. Bruce Stanton, told us to go back to the bottom and start all over again, giving us useless links. If you read our 11 Page SHORT Letter you SIR, would have realized that we havd done all of that and much more. All MPs were contacted as our very last recourse.

SINCE, YOU SIR, TOTALLY FAILED US AND SINCE YOU SIR, REFUSED TO DO A YES OR NO VOTE I decided after a very long consideration that it is time that you permanently resign as a Politician and MP and Deputy Speaker and Chair of Committees of the Whole.

I have placed your staff's illegal comments on my website at the link below:

I did demand Justice and Identifications and Passports and instead you added further insult with your insane reply.

I really believed that you would have helped us, but instead you proved me that you are NOT A CANADIAN.

I put my trust in you and you failed my wife, Annette Martini and I.

I used to salute the Canadian Flag and you never did. Now, you SIR, just tore up the Canadian Constitution and so did your useless staff.

I, am now sending an email to all Canadians and to everyone in your riding of Simcoe North, so they would understand what a Canadian MP and his useless staff have done by violating International Laws and United Nation Laws.

I should have gone by my GUT feeling, the first time. I still demand the immediate names of all of your staff that participated in ridiculing us and violating all International Laws and United Nations Laws.

Your Insane Email and your Staff's Illegal violations are now being sent to all World Media.

This is why nothing was done for over four decades, because of useless and totally incompetant Politicians like yourself and Government Employees like your staff that are beyond useless.

Elections are around the corner.

You had the Golden Opportunity to make sure that the Liberals would NOT win in Fall Election and you SIR, totally failed and you missed the boat.

The International Criminal Courts is next. So is the United Nations.

YOU SIR had your chance to prevent this from escalating any further amongst World Leaders and United Nations BUT you SIR, decided to violate all International Laws and United Nations Laws.

The Voters will all create a Total Political Turmoil in November and all Canadians are watching my Political Website, very closely, to see which Politician will fail us and which Politician or Political Leader will give us all of our Identifications and immediate Passports to immediately leave Canada.

YOU SIR, vote all the time at The House of Commons - Parliament Hill and none of the VOTES ever have to do with your riding of Simcoe North BUT You SIR, decided to slap us in the face.




ANTHONY MARTINI (Political Candiate For Prime Minister of Canada 2019)

(Electronically Signed)


(Electronically Signed)