LEGAL NOTICE to Quest Community Health Centre
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Attached is a Legal Notice to Quest Community Health Centre in PDF. I will be adding my comments later today.

Anthony Martini
(Political Candidate For Prime Minister Of Canada 2019)

LEGAL NOTICE to – Quest Community Health Centre


Update: Will be posted soon. A Class Action Lawsuit against Quest Community Health Centre and all Staff and Directors will be filed soon. Quest Community Health Centre will be SHUT DOWN.

Please Donate By Clicking Below:

Help My Wife Annette Martini and I to go Into Exile From Canada!

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100% Of Your Donation Will Be Going To Anthony Martini and Annette Martini to Go Into EXILE From Canada To FRANCE!


ISP Threatens A Political Candidate

ISP Threatens A Political Candidate
Ontario, Canada
Friday, October 27, 2017
by Anthony Martini (Political Candidate For Prime Minister Of Canada For 2019)

Yesterday, October 6, 2017 I received a strange and threatening Phone Call from my ISP threatening me that they will shut down my Internet Services.

This has been going on way too long, where I am threatened that by Companies, Medical and any services that I use.

For months and months now, my server has been under so much illegal attacks from the RCMP trying so hard to shut down my sites and servers.

The RCMP – (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) the Canadian Federal Police who are the Queen’s Militia, as I refer them as the RCDC – Royal Canadian Drug Dealers, have attacked my server and every day to silence me by exposing them to the fullest.

For 4 Decades I was persecuted by this Terrorist Organization that illegally used Canadian Banks to steal over $30 Million Dollars from me. They Used Cities and Provinces to illegally Steal My homes, without every going to Court. They used Revenue Canada to illegally steal my money without ever going to Court. They used Government Employees that they recruit into their Secret Societies to make sure that I do not get my heart medications or seizure medications in the past.

After this Terrorist Organization uses a company or an individual or a government employee, then they murder them.

I know because I had many friends of mine murdered by this Terrorist Organization of the RCMP that I call the RCDC.

The RCMP abuses their authority and illegally uses all ISP and Telecom Companies in Canada to do their illegal work. The RCMP have an office in every Security Room of every ISP and Telecom in Canada and they conduct their illegal activities by doing illegal wire-taps. I should know. The RCMP illegally wire-tapped my phone for over 4 decades because I knew and still know all of their Dirty, Dirty, Dirtiest secrets and I am exposing them to the entire world as a Terrorist Organization.

The RCMP murdered my adopted mother and they were involved in kidnapping my daughters.

The RCMP murdered an innocent person in an execution.

The atrocities of the RCMP is far too grave and just too much.

Who is watching the RCMP?
Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau? – NO
Queen Elizabeth II? NO

Who will stop this Terrorist Organization of the RCMP that is the Queen’s Militia?

Well, I know it will be me.

I will have the RCMP dismantled in Canada and around the world.
I will expose all of the RCMP crimes forever.
I will testify against the RCMP.

I will stop the RCMP from distributing Cocaine, Heroin and other Street Drugs worldwide using Canadian Embassies and Canadian Consulates.

I will stop the RCMP from committing murders across Canada and around the world.

I will stop this Terrorist Organization that tried so many times to murder me.

I will stop them through Queen Elizabeth II who will dismantle the RCMP who have made themselves the (RCDC – Royal Canadian Drug Dealers).

Recently, the RCMP illegally used Government Workers from the Legislative Assembly of Ontario known as (QUEENS PARK) to go on a full attack on me, including using a clinic to stop my heart pills to murder me.

Now the RCMP used my Internet Provider to threaten me to shut down my internet and illegally suspend my Internet because the RCMP does not want me to expose the truth about the Secret Society known as The ORANGE ORDER which is the RCMP.

The RCMP have attacked all of my websites to make sure that I do not make any money at all.

Remember, this could happen to you. Remember, that this will happen to many Canadians.

My Internet and My Phone is a Business Internet and a Business Phone and I have just signed another 3 years with my ISP.

If my ISP illegally shuts me down or shuts me down for any reason they think that they have, then the LEGAL WAR will include my ISP.

No matter what, my sites and will always remain up.

While I am forced to remain in Canada against my will I will remain a (Political Candidate For Prime Minister Of Canada For 2019) and beyond.

Please donate so I can end this gross human rights abuse from Canada and the RCMP and so that I can finally leave Canada with my Wife.

Please Donate By Clicking Below:

100% Of Your Donation Will Be Going To Anthony Martini and Annette Martini to Go Into EXILE From Canada To FRANCE!

Thank You For Your Help!

Anthony Martini
(Political Candidate For Prime Minister Of Canada For 2019)

Donations For Our Dignity

Donations For Our Dignity.
by Anthony Martini
Saturday, October 22, 2018

The End Of The Road For My Wife Annette Martini and I is now here. We must leave Canada now but we need your help.

The Queen's Militia The RCMP Crashed Our Wedding

The Queen’s Militia The RCMP Crashed Our Wedding

Show my wife Annette Martini and I that you really Care by donating!

Please Donate By Clicking Below:

Help My Wife Annette Martini and I to go Into Exile From Canada!

Choose currency

Enter amount

100% Of Your Donation Will Be Going To Anthony Martini and Annette Martini to Go Into EXILE From Canada To FRANCE!


My wife Annette Martini and I am Anthony Martini are victims of Human rights abuser Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and while I am FORCED to remain in Canada, against my will, I am still a Political Candidate for Prime Minister of Canada for 2019 and beyond.

Please donate so we can finally find freedom in another Country. 5 Years of No Identifications that Canada has illegally caused is far too long.

Thank You For Your Help!

Anthony Martini

Annette Martini Message To Président Emmanuel Macron


Monday. October 9, 2017


Dear President Emmanuel Macron,


I, Annette Martini, along with my husband, Anthony Martini have been trying since 2009
to go to France, the Diplomatic Way.

One President after another President of France have failed us to seek Freedom.

Numerous previous Ministers of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs have totally failed

We did everything the Diplomatic Way to immediately go to France and over 8 years later
France has still not given us our Freedom.

We even communicated with the France Embassy and France Consulate in the United States
and also in Canada and all of our hard efforts have totally failed but not on our part.

We have asked the National Assembly of France and the Deputies to assist us to leave for
France, not once, not twice, not three times, not four times but more times than that and
we waited and waited and waited for some Deputy to give us our Freedom and help us
permanently go to France.

Emails went unanswered, faxes went unanswered and telephone calls went unanswered.

French Embassies and French Consulats in the United States and in Canada failed to abide
by International Laws or respect International Laws when it came to our Freedom and our
Declaration of Emergency Sanctuary, Emergency Refuge and Emergency Protection.

Unfortunately, while we waited and waited and waited for France to assist us to leave
North America, we were kidnapped by the United States Government on orders of Canada
and my husband Anthony Martini was physically tortured for almost one year.

My husband, Anthony Martini, has been Stateless since 1985 without a Country. I, Annette Martini
have been Stateless without a Country, since 1998.

We were forced back to Canada against our will by Canada which is a clear violation of
International Laws.

Canada continued to persecute my husband and I from September 18, 2013 to the current date.

Canada refuses to issue us any Identification Papers or Passports or Travel Documents for us
to leave Canada.

Canada refuses for us to work, collect taxes or pay taxes or even have Free Medical Care
in Canada.

Canada refuses for us to vote and Canada also refuses for my husband Anthony Martini to
run for Prime Minister of Canada.

The Persecution will never end in Canada and Decades of Persecution from Canada is enough.

We repeatedly asked for one piece of paper from the Government of France and the Country of
France and that one piece of paper for our Freedom is called a Travel Document. It takes
less than one minute to issue us a Legal Document to leave Canada and go to France and
without this Legal Document, we will be forever, Political Prisoners of Canada.

I am now 6 1/2 months pregnant and Canada has refused for me to see a Doctor,
Obstetrician-Gynecologist and Canada has refused for me to go to the Hospital to get an
Ultrasound which is Free for all Pregnant women in Canada, except for me.

Canada and the Province of Ontario have clearly indicated and clearly demonstrated that when
our baby is born that the Province of Ontario will not issue our baby or babies any Birth
Certificates and Canada will never give our baby or babies any Passports to leave Canada or
any Identification for our children.

President Emmanuel Macron, I am now forced to make this Public to the whole world in pleading
with the country of France and with you, President Emmanuel Macron to issue us Emergency
Travel Documents to immediately leave Canada forever and to permanently move to France.

We hope that you, President Emmanuel Macron, will abide by International Laws and International
Freedom and the Color of Law and immediately protect us and immediately issue us Emergency
Travel Documents without any further delay.

Again, I, Annette Martini and my husband, Anthony Martini and our unborn child or children are
Declaring Emergency Refuge, Emergency Sanctuary with the Country of France and to you, personally,
President Emmanuel Macron and we are asking for immediate Emergency Protection from the Country
of France against Canada.

Thank you, President Emmanuel Macron, for listening to my Urgent Message and I hope and I pray
that you will rescue my husband and I and our unborn baby or babies, before it is too late.



Annette Martini Message Au Président Emmanuel Macron (français)

lundi 9 octobre 2017

Cher Président Emmanuel Macron,


Je, Annette Martini, ainsi que mon mari, Anthony Martini, avons essayé depuis 2009 de
se rendre en France, la Voie Diplomatique.


Un Président après un autre Président de la France nous ont échoué à obtenir la Liberté.

De nombreux Ministres des Affaires étrangères et des Affaires européennes
nous ont totalement échoué.

Nous avons tout fait d’une Voix Diplomatique pour aller immédiatement en France et plus
de 8 ans plus tard, la France ne nous a toujours pas donné notre Liberté.

Nous avons même communiqué avec l’Ambassade de France et le Consulat de France aux
États-Unis et au Canada et tous nos efforts durs ont totalement échoué, mais pas de
notre part.

Nous avons demandé à l’Assemblée Nationale de France et aux Députés de nous aider à partir
pour la France, pas une fois, pas deux fois, pas trois fois, pas quatre fois, mais plus
de fois que ça et nous avons attendu et attendu un certain député pour nous donner notre
Liberté et nous aider à nous rendre de façon permanente en France.

Les courriels sont restés sans réponse, les Faxes sont restées sans réponse et
les Appels Téléphoniques sont restés sans réponse.

Les Ambassades françaises et les Consulats français aux États-Unis et au Canada n’ont pas
respecté les Lois Internationales ni respecté les Lois Internationales en ce qui concerne
notre Liberté et notre Déclaration de Sanctuaire d’Urgence, de Refuge d’Urgence et de
Protection d’Urgence.

Malheureusement, pendant que nous attendions et attendions pour que la France nous aide
à quitter l’Amérique du Nord, nous avons été kidnappés par le Gouvernement des États-Unis
sur l’Ordre du Canada et mon mari, Anthony Martini, a été physiquement torturé pendant
presque un an.

Mon mari, Anthony Martini, a été apatride sans Pays depuis 1985. Je, Annette Martini
a été apatride sans Pays depuis 1998.

Nous avons été forcé de revenir au Canada, contre notre gré, par le Canada, ce qui
constitue une Violation Flagrante des Lois Internationales.

Le Canada a continué de persécuter mon mari et moi du 18 septembre 2013 à la date actuelle.

Le Canada refuse de nous émettre des Pièces d’Identité ou des Passeports ou des Documents
de Voyage pour que nous quittions le Canada.

Le Canada refuse pour nous de travailler, de percevoir des impôts ou de payer des impôts
ou même d’avoir des Soins Médicaux Gratuits au Canada.

Canada refuse pour nous de voter et le Canada refuse aussi mon mari Anthony Martini
à courir pour le Premier ministre du Canada.

La Persécution ne finira jamais au Canada et les Décennies de Persécution du Canada est

Nous avons demandé à plusieurs reprises une feuille de papier du Gouvernement de la France
et du Pays de la France et cette seule feuille de papier pour notre Liberté, s’appelle
Document de Voyage. Il faut moins d’une minute pour nous émettre un Document Légal
pour quitter le Canada et aller en France et sans ce Document Légal, nous serons pour
toujours, Prisonniers Politiques du Canada.

Je suis maintenant enceinte de 6 mois et demi et le Canada a refusé pour moi de voir un
Médecin, Obstétricien-Gynécologue et le Canada m’a refusé d’aller à l’hôpital pour obtenir
une Échographie, ce qui est gratuit pour toutes les femmes enceintes au Canada, sauf pour

Le Canada et la Province de l’Ontario ont clairement indiqué et clairement démontré que,
lorsque notre bébé est né, la Province de l’Ontario n’émettra pas de Certificats de
Naissance à notre bébé ou à nos bébés et le Canada ne donnera jamais à nos bébés ou bébé
des Passeports pour quitter le Canada ou une Pièce d’Identité pour nos enfants.

Président Emmanuel Macron, je suis maintenant contraint de rendre ceci Public au Monde
Entier en plaidant avec le Pays de la France et avec vous, Président Emmanuel Macron
pour nous émettre des Documents de Voyage d’Urgence pour quitter immédiatement le Canada,
pour toujours, et de s’installer de façon permanente en France.

Nous espérons que vous, Président Emmanuel Macron, respecterez les Lois Internationales,
la Liberté Internationale et la Couleur de Lois et que vous nous protégerez immédiatement
et que vous nous enverrez immédiatement des Documents de Voyage d’Urgence sans plus tarder.

Encore, je, Annette Martini et mon mari, Anthony Martini et notre enfant ou nos enfants
à naître, Déclarent un Refuge d’Urgence, un Sanctuaire d’Urgence avec le pays de la France
et à vous, personnellement, Président Emmanuel Macron et nous demandons une Protection
d’Urgence Immédiate du pays de la France, contre le Canada.

Merci, Président Emmanuel Macron, pour avoir écouté mon Message Urgent et j’espère et je
prie pour que vous sauviez mon mari et moi et notre bébé à naître, avant qu’il ne soit
trop tard.



Response From Previous Minister of Foreign Affairs of France Mme Michele Alliot Marie

Response From Previous Minister of Foreign Affairs of France Mme Michele Alliot Marie

Anthony Martini and Annette Martini

No ID for 1826 Days - 5 Years

Anthony Martini and Annette Martini

Please Donate By Clicking Below:

Help My Wife Annette Martini and I to go Into Exile From Canada!

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100% Of Your Donation Will Be Going To Anthony Martini and Annette Martini to Go Into EXILE From Canada To FRANCE!