Forced Into Severe Poverty By Trudeau, Canada and Ontario

Forced Into Severe Poverty By Trudeau, Canada and Ontario
By Anthony Martini (Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada 2019)

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Many years ago, I was very rich, but then came the RCMP a Terrorist Organization and the LIBERAL Government.

One day I am rich and I go to the bank to make a withdrawal, the days without Internet or ATM Machine, and my Personal Bank Accounts and Business Bank Accounts were totally empty. No Money to buy Groceries or pay for any bills.

Over $10 Million Dollars gone. The Bank Manager told me to talk to Revenue Canada at that time. All Government Employees from Revenue Canada told me to talk to the RCMP and I did and I even called my Member of Parliament, Politicians, but I never got any answers.

I paid taxes since I was 16 Years Old and I did my taxes of what I call Simple Tax which means that I pay what the Government asks and I never claimed everything that I was entitled to.

Simple Math that I would never get in trouble with the MAFIA (The Canadian Government.)

I continued making calls and writing to all Government Agencies but NEVER got any answers on who stole my money and why. The RCMP the terrorist Organization ordered my Bank, the ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, to steal all of my money. No courts No arrest. NOTHING. I contacted Lawyers in Canada BUT they wanted Millions of Dollars to handle my case to TRY and retrieve all of my money which was in all my Personal and Business Accounts.

The Royal Bank of Canada kept giving me the Royal Run Around and kept on telling me to contact Revenue of Canada of which they were totally useless.

I worked so hard as a Builder, building Homes. I worked 15 hours a day, 7 days a week and I did everything by the book. I now had no money for gas or any groceries. The TERRORIST Organization the RCMP – Royal Canadian Mounted Police, continued stealing my homes, Business, Bank Accounts without ever going to Court for 4 decades, a total of over $30 Million.

The RCMP even denied me the Legal Rights as a Canadian Citizen to be a Lawyer. I spent 4 years in University taking LAW, BUSINESS, COMPUTER SCIENCE and Political Science and now I could not be a Lawyer because of the Terrorist Organization, the RCMP.

I had over 30 Major Corporations in Canada and the RCMP stole every business I ever had and stole all of my money.

I even got a Job digging ditches and 2 days later the RCMP, the Terrorist Organization, showed up at the Construction Site and I was FIRED. No reason was ever given. I worked very hard and I always gave 110% into my jobs, no matter what they were.

I started making Homemade Fudge, the best Fudge in the Market and I placed them in 200 stores. I cooked the Fudge, packed the Fudge and Delivered the Fudge. I made over $5,000.00 per month and I bought my house and paid for it in CASH. The RCMP, the Terrorist Organization, went to all 200 Stores and told them that I put Poison in The Fudge and of course that was not true at all.

CIBC BANK refused to sell me the house that they repossessed from one of their client, until I took out a $10,000.00 loan, so I did. The house was valued at $99,000.00 but I picked up that house for $60,000.00

A few months later, CIBC, the crooked Bank, then sent me a letter, indicating that they were going to repossess my house because I did not make any payments on the small loan of $10,000.00. I went to the Bank, with all of my receipts, and they refused to look at my receipts. I discovered that the RCMP was talking to my Bank Manager and they ordered the Bank Manager to continue with the False Repossession of my house.

I hired a Lawyer and went to Court and even showed all the Receipts to the Corrupt Judge but the Corrupt Judge refused to look at all the evidence and told me that I had 24 Hours to Get out of my house and the crook of a Judge issued an Emergency Eviction Order to evict me out of my own house that I paid in full in CASH. Of course, it was a Certified Cheque, paid to CIBC.

The Court and CIBC sold my House that was worth $99,000.00 for $2,000.00 and demanded payment of the remainder.

You got it. Nothing makes sense at all. The RCMP was in every picture of theft and persecution.

I announced that I was going to run for Prime Minister of Canada and then Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chrétien ORDERED the RCMP to assassinate me. 2 RCMP and 2 City Cops beat me up so bad that they broke every bone in my body and now I have another severe head injury and suffered from Long Term and Short Term Memory Loss. The Assassination on my Life that was ORDERED by the Liberal Government and the Prime Minister of Canada FAILED. I became like a Broken Doll.

The Persecution and Physical Torture, that was ORDERED by the LIBERALS, went on for decades, no matter what Province in Canada I lived in.

No Matter What JOB I worked at or what Company I created, the Terrorist Organization, the RCMP – Royal Canadian Mounted Police was there to destroy my Business, Get Me FIRED from every Job and even steal my Money, from every bank Account, I ever had. I would change Banks and the ILLEGAL THEFT Continued for Decades.

I am a Catholic and have been all of my Life. I have worked very hard and paid all of my taxes but no matter how hard I tried, all of my money was always stolen by the Terrorist Organization, the RCMP.


NO, I am one of the nicest person you would ever meet and I am extremely honest.

The RCMP is a Terrorist Organization and that is the story and so is the LIBERAL GOVERNMENT. I knew about the RCMP’ dirty secrets to sell drugs worldwide, using Canadian Embassies and Canadian Consulates. I also witnessed 3 RCMP Dirty Cops executing an innocent man from the Canadian Embassy in Venezuela and this is 2 Main Reasons why this Terrorist Organization persecuted me for 4 decades and tortured me for over 3 decades. The Other reason is that I saw a Dirty Cop from the RCMP who was a Sergeant smoking marijuana in uniform in an RCMP Car when I was 15 years old and my life became a living hell.

I volunteered at 3 Political Parties in Canada, LIBERALS, CONSERVATIVES and NDP, at the same time, during one election. I even created a Software to assist the Political Parties to make calls automatically and I spent endless hours as a Volunteer with the 3 Political Parties and then the RCMP showed up at the Conservatives Headquarters and the NEXT day I was FIRED. I am a Volunteer and created Software for a Computer to Call thousands of Calls per hour and I designed it for FREE and now I am fired as a volunteer.

This Gross Human Rights Abuse went on for over 4 Decades.

The RCMP were directly involved in kidnapping my 2 children.

When I married my wife, Annette Martini, the RCMP, the Terrorist Organization, started to Persecute my wife and stole all of her homes, construction companies and Monies without ever going to Court.

We went to the United States and lived there lawfully from 2002 to 2012 until former Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, created an International Kidnapping and kidnapped us from the United States of America.

On September 18, 2013 we were forced back to Canada, against our will.

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and the Liberals of Ontario and the Canadian Federal Government refused to give us any identifications, Passports, Travel Documents and free Medical.

Prime Minister of Canada, The Federal Liberal Government and the Provincial Liberals REFUSED and Still Refuses to Give my wife, Annette Martini and I any Identifications, Social Insurance Numbers, Drivers License, and Free Medical.

We are denied our Legal Rights to work.
We are denied our Legal Rights to Collect and Pay Taxes.
We are denied our Legal Rights to have a Drivers License.
We are denied our Legal Rights to TRAVEL or Leave Canada.
We are denied our Legal Rights to create a Company.
We are denied our Legal Rights to be FREE in Canada.

We are both denied our Legal Rights to VOTE in Federal, Provincial and Municipal Elections.

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, the Province of Ontario and the LIBERALS both Federal and Provincial has illegally denied my LEGAL RIGHTS to form a New Political Party in Canada or to become the next Prime Minister of Canada.

Canada and the Province of Ontario has refused and refuses to give me Medical Disability.

We pay over 85% of our money for RENT. At the end of the Month we have only $25.00 left and $5.00 has to go to my wife’s Hospital Bill, every month, which Medical is free for everyone living in Ontario and Canada. $20.00 for groceries every month and that is all.


I can produce the next level Technology that will last over 100 years and I would make 1 Billion Dollars Monthly but with no Identifications I cannot create any companies or produce the next level technology.

I could create 1 Million New High Paying Jobs but I cannot do that in Canada and FRANCE still remains silent.

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, The Federal LIBERALS and the Provincial Liberals of Ontario has forced my wife and I, into severe Poverty, against our will.

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau is illegally holding us against our will in Canada and denying us FREEDOM and LIBERTY and the right to leave Canada!

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and the LIBERALS are Human Rights Abusers.

Since the day we were kidnapped by CANADA and illegally forced back to Canada, my wife and I have never been to a restaurant or McDonald’s.

We cannot buy meat or chicken or eggs. We cannot have any normal meals except eating spaghetti and bread all the time, that we get from the food bank. We have never had any honeymoon in 20 years since we have been married. My wife was denied the legal rights to buy clothes and makeup and shoes because of Justin Trudeau, the Human Rights Abuser.

There will be a very high Legal Price to pay for Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and the RCMP and the LIBERALS and that Legal War will happen only when I choose and NOT in Canada.

Queen Elizabeth II will dismantle the RCMP – Royal Canadian Mounted Police soon and NOW I demand that Queen Elizabeth dismantle the LIBERAL PARTY OF CANADA AND ALL LIBERALS in Canada and hold Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau personally accountable for his direct involvement of Human Rights Abuse against myself and my wife, Annette Martini.


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100% Of Your Donation Will Be Going To Anthony Martini and Annette Martini to Go Into EXILE From Canada To FRANCE!


I am Anthony Martini still a Political Candidate for Prime Minister of Canada for 2019 and beyond.



By Anthony Martini (Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada 2019)
Thursday, May 17, 2018

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau the Pot Head and Leader of the Pot Head of Canada KILLS Children.

While I was growing up in Canada we were taught values. We were taught what is right and what is wrong. We were taught to respect our elders and not to steal.

When I went to Junior High we were told to stay away from DRUGS and that DRUGS will kill. By the time I went to High School many of the same children in my neighborhood were doing drugs, mainly Marijuana or weed or Pot. I ended up going to funerals of my friends one by one. I said Goodbye to many of my friends and people I grew up with.

The drug dealers were on the School Grounds visible as can be selling drugs. Commercials were on every channel in Canada but we only had a few channels not like today, showing an egg being fried and the announcer would say:

I thought that the Commercial was made in Canada BUT it was made in the United States. However, it was a very powerful message. I stayed away from the POT HEADS. I watched and watched as their brains actually did fry. They were killing their brain cells. There was no more brain cells growing. This was the message from HEALTH CANADA.

When I went to High School I had to hold my breath and run pass all of those losers smoking drugs. The People that were looking after me warned me that if I did drugs to never come back home, so I never did.

I joined the Reserves and then the Military. In my days, the Military was for real men and homosexuals were forbidden in the Military. The Prime Minister of Canada was the late Pierre Elliot Trudeau the father of the Pot Head Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau.

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau was a LIAR just like his father. Canada had one Air Craft Destroyer called the HMCS Bonaventure and Pierre Elliot Trudeau had that stripped for parts. Actually, I was happy when I was in the Military when the Air-Force was the Air-Force and the Army and Navy were separate but then the late Pierre Elliot Trudeau changed that and merged all units as the Canadian Armed Forces.

The Navy on the East and West had Sea King Helicopters that were so outdated and they were literally falling out of the skies. The Air Force had out dated air-planes and they even had the OTTERS and Lancaster that was so pre-historic.

The Canadian Military was a big joke. It really was. Nonetheless, I was in Intelligence and I was a Colonel.

Justin Trudeau’s mother Margaret Trudeau, the wife of the late Pierre Elliot Trudeau, was a Total Disgrace to Canada. She was a POT-HEAD and she abandoned her children and left Canada to go with Mick Jagger. What a disgrace Justin Trudeau’s mother really was and still is.

I followed the Drug Trade and found out that the RCMP were selling drugs and putting massive drugs on our streets.

Pierre Trudeau never created any jobs but temporary jobs. Quebec got everything. Newfoundland became a total welfare state with no jobs whatsoever. New Brunswick and the Atlantic Provinces had no future under Pierre Trudeau. The west, well, the farmers got royally screwed by Pierre Trudeau.

The RCMP grew and grew under Pierre Trudeau even though Pierre Trudeau had full knowledge that the RCMP – Royal Canadian Mounted Police were putting massive street drugs across Canada killing Children, Pierre Trudeau looked the other way.

I remember that we had a Union Jack and in every classroom across Canada there was a Picture of Queen Elizabeth II.

I remember the FLQ Crisis in Montreal as if it was yesterday and I remember that Pierre Elliot Trudeau sent in the Army to put an end to the Terrorism in Montreal and across Quebec.

I remember the Promise that Pierre Elliot Trudeau made during Expo 67 indicating that we were Separating from ENGLAND. The Canadian Flag was born and replaced the Union Jack.

I remembered that Canada was spying on United States of America for England and the Queen.

I remembered that Pierre Elliot Trudeau brought in Multiculturalism which in part was a major disaster because the gangs came along. Open the door and give all the great jobs to the foreigners but people in Newfoundland suffered.

The fishing industry was being destroyed by Pierre Elliot Trudeau and he fell asleep and maybe it was all the Pot Smoking going on with Margaret Trudeau. Children’s Aid of Ontario should have removed the children because of the drugs going on.

LIES, LIES, LIES and massive lies came from Pierre Elliot Trudeau. I used to vote for LIBERALS until the LIBERALS ordered contracts on my life.

Pierre Elliot Trudeau refused for the homosexuals to join the military indicating that these groups are severely mentally disturbed and they will rape other members of the Forces (Canadian Armed Forces).

DRUGS or anyone doing drugs in the Military in Canada would have been immediately Court Marshal. A Military Court was the worse thing you could ever go through.

The Government consisted of responsible employees. BUT Pierre Elliot Trudeau wasted money like crazy spending the tax payers hard earned money. The Canadian Armed Forces was a huge Joke. Canada was a joke to the world.

The drugs grew and grew and grew in Canada. The RCMP – Royal Canadian Mounted Police which I call them the RCDD – Royal Canadian Drug Dealers or MASH POTATOES were responsible for putting massive drugs on the streets and now the RCMP was using the Canadian Embassies Worldwide and the Canadian Consulates Worldwide to ship massive drugs to every Country Worldwide. The Commissioner of the RCMP and his goons were totally responsible and participated in shipping massive drugs Worldwide.

Pierre Elliot Trudeau knew this and looked the other way. The LIBERALS knew this and looked the other way. After all, any Politician that gave massive fundings to the RCMP, then the RCMP would do massive Electrical Fraud to put that Politician as a Prime Minister or Premier of a Province or a Mayor of a City in POWER.

Pierre Elliot Trudeau knew that the RCMP was putting massive drugs on the street to kill Canadian Children BUT Pierre Elliot Trudeau did nothing at all and rewarded the RCMP. Maybe the RCMP gave FREE DRUGS to Margaret Trudeau.

Maybe Pierre Elliot Trudeau was smoking POT everyday. Who knows.

However, I do know that the Former Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chrétien was a POT HEAD and smoked Pot all the time. Maybe the RCMP gave this asshole free POT. Chrétien placed contracts on my life and ordered the RCMP to assassinate me.

I was the best Private Investigator in the world and I still am.

When Pierre Elliot Trudeau died I saw the funeral on TV when I was forced to live Underground in Canada to stay alive. I saw Justin Trudeau placing a Red Rose on his father’s coffin and he did a great ACT for the TV and the media worldwide.

Justin Trudeau took acting from the Pot Head theater in Canada. In my Opinion Justin Trudeau is just a DRAG QUEEN waiting to come out of the closet. No Politicians on this planet, go from one country to another and plays Mr. Dressup but Justin Trudeau does and it really makes him look like a Drag Queen.

Pierre Elliot Trudeau was racist against Homosexuals and he also refused Homosexuals to work in any Government Job in Canada.

NOW, Justin Trudeau marches as the leader of the Homosexuals of Canada JUST TO BUY VOTES.

Justin Trudeau is NOW Officially a DRUG DEALER.

Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of the Homosexuals of Canada, now wants to KILL and murder all of our Children.

Crime has tripled across Canada under Justin Trudeau and is going to get a lot worse.

CANADA is on the way to become a worse Country then Mexico and Venezuela.

While we as Canadians have Legal Rights under United Nations Laws, JUSTIN TRUDEAU is in the process to violate every Canadian Legal Rights.

Since Justin Trudeau became the Prime Minister of Canada POT HEADS start smoking their stinky Marijuana in the streets, while driving cars and motorcycles.

I have seen 10 year olds and 12 year olds smoking Marijuana at Shopping Center Parking Lots in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.

I have seen children outside Junior High Schools smoking POT outside on the streets and some are as young as 8 years old.

JUSTIN TRUDEAU is killing Children and when the POT HEAD BILL ILLEGALLY PASSES, JUSTIN TRUDEAU is going to KILL CHILDREN and totally destroy Canada like you have never seen.

I have lived with my wife Annette Martini in the same Apartment since November 2013 and we have a POT HEAD next door to us. This idiot and loser next door never gave a damn about our Legal Rights. His Marijuana Smoke was coming in our Bedroom and we could NOT sleep in our Bedroom for over a year. We fought with the Management Company but nothing was ever done. Finally, I gave him a LEGAL NOTICE and then it stopped and now for almost 2 years he goes out to smoke his Daily Pot but when he comes back in the hallway, it smells skunk.

Marijuana Smoke gets into the BLOOD Stream and it is a million times worse then second hand smoking. Marijuana KILLS and that is a fact.

When I was working as a cleaner to raise money for University there was a Guy about 19 years old who was also a cleaner and he smoked Marijuana every single day. He would always forget if he ate breakfast or what he had for lunch. One day, he came into work freaking out. I asked him what was wrong. He told me that he thought he was having Sex with his Girlfriend but he was so High on POT that he did not realize that he was having sex with his girlfriend’s dog and he killed the dog. There was blood all over him.

I have seen so many children’s lives totally destroyed by Marijuana BUT now the same Government that showed commercials of EGGS Frying and telling us that DRUGS is BAD and will fry our BRAINS are NOW telling all Canadians that Marijuana is good for you.

While Justin Trudeau and the POT HEAD PARTY of Canada is a hair away from killing all Canadian Children and killing Canadians, our rights to smell fresh air, will be violated by the WORLD’S BIGGEST POT HEAD and Human Rights Abuser JUSTIN TRUDEAU AND THE LIBERALS.

The United Nations will issue an ARREST Warrant against PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA JUSTIN TRUDEAU and any Politician that supports this BILL. Even the Pot Head judge that signs this into Law will be arrested.

We do have rights not to have drugs in our system by smelling these POT HEAD smokers and losers. These Pot Heads are now smoking at Bus Stops around babies, children and everyone, with no care in this world, violating all of our air space and the city police just drives by and do not arrest SOCIETY LOSERS AND SOCIETY REJECTS.

Justin Trudeau who is a POT HEAD is a Loser and a Society Reject like his Mother Margaret Trudeau.

Margaret Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau’s Mother has Severe Mental illness and Bipolar Disorder because of her decades of Smoking Marijuana and God knows what other drugs she has done

In St. Catharines, Ontario there are many people that speak 5 languages all to themselves because they are POT HEADS. Mental Illness has tripled since Justin Trudeau came into power because of Marijuana. These losers that suffer from Severe Mental Illness because of Marijuana, all have invisible friends around them and all have violent conversations with their invisible friends, walking down the streets. These POT HEADS are society losers and are extremely dangerous to the Public and to our children.

Around St. Catharines, Ontario there are so many drug dealers marking all walls and buildings. The Drugs in St. Catharines, Ontario and across Canada has increased by a thousand percent all because of Justin Trudeau.

Jutin Trudeau will further endanger the lives of motorists because the Pot Heads are all now smoking Marijuana while they are driving. Instead of Justin Trudeau protecting Children these POT HEADS will be murdering families, our mothers, our fathers, or uncles, aunts, cousins and babies, nationwide when the POT HEAD passes through as an illegal law.

Crime in Canada will increase by a Million Percent. The Hospitals will be full of POT HEADS and POT HEADS related accidents.

In a Big Grocery Store in St. Catharines, the BUTCHER is stoned everyday, we go through the Grocery Store. The Smell of Marijuana is going into the MEAT. Would you buy meat that smells like Marijuana?

What happens if the Butcher who has knives goes crazy in the Supermarket and kills people because he is so high.

Now, the LIBERALS in Ontario took a new step and passed an illegal law allowing pet owners to bring their pets in Grocery Stores, Clothing Stores, around food etc.

Now dogs with fleas are going in Walmart and the Grocery Store. I saw a dog sneezing all over the vegetables and near meat. I saw a dog urinating at Walmart on food.


Can you imagine that Cops will be stoned. Bus Drivers will smoke the Damn Marijuana. It is really bad that when a Pot Head just finished his joint and he comes on the bus then the entire Bus smells like a skunk and that is going in our Blood Steam.

What about Teachers being stoned. What about the Member of Parliament Chris Bittle being stoned. What happens if the Pilot from Air Canada gets really high off Marijuana and kills all passengers. The list of total disasters is coming soon to a city or town near you.

What happened in Toronto recently with a nut case plowing and killing people on sidewalks will be a weekly event in Canada.

I have seen a beautiful Country like Mexico and Venezuela become a murderous country because of drugs and Canada will be a Million Times worse then Mexico and Venezuela, combined.

Have you noticed that there are numerous dogs killing their owners and children across Canada recently? That is because of the owner smoking Marijuana around dogs.

Prime Minister of Canada is buying VOTES and instead of Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau who is a severe POT HEAD ending the Drug Trade in Canada and sending in the Army or Police to arrest all the POT HEADS smoking on Parliament Hill, Justin Trudeau just awards criminals with Marijuana, violating all of our rights.

CANADA as we know it is now over. Queen Elizabeth II allowed Justin Trudeau to pass this POT HEAD Bill.

Justin Trudeau and every Liberal and any Politician that supports the POT HEAD Bill and any Judge that Signs the POT HEAD BILL will be personally held responsible for any death caused by Marijuana or any MURDER caused by Marijuana or any Crime caused by Marijuana. After all, the murderers are all Pot Heads.

Maybe JUSTIN TRUDEAU should allow all the POT HEADS to smoke around his children, Xavier James, Ella-Grace Margaret and Hadrien Grégoire and lets see how that effects his children. Oh I forgot, perhaps the Grandmother, his Mother Margaret Trudeau who is a POT HEAD already smokes around his children like she smoked around her son, Justin Trudeau and this is why he is a POT HEAD.

PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA JUSTIN TRUDEAU and EVERY LIBERAL WILL BE HELD PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEATH CAUSED BY THEIR ILLEGAL POT HEAD BILL which violates all Canadians Legal Rights to Smell Fresh Air. JUSTIN TRUDEAU will be held accountable for every child getting hooked on drugs. Every Police Chief across Canada should say NO TO TRUDEAU. The Commissioner of the RCMP and the RCMP will be held liable for distributing the DRUGS.



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100% Of Your Donation Will Be Going To Anthony Martini and Annette Martini to Go Into EXILE From Canada To FRANCE!



TRUDEAU and LIBERALS Deny Rights To Vote

TRUDEAU and LIBERALS Deny Rights To Vote

By Anthony Martini (Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada 2019)
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau is personally illegally denying my wife Annette Martini and I to VOTE in the Federal Elections, Upcoming Provincial Elections in Ontario, Canada and the Municipal Elections in the City of St. Catharines, Ontario Canada.

The Liberal Party of Canada and the Liberal Party of Ontario are refusing for my wife Annette Martini and I to vote which is a huge Violations of the Canadian Charter of Rights, United Nations Violations and International Violations.

My wife Annette Martini was born in Quebec, Canada and Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada, Premier of Ontario Kathleen Wynne and the Liberal Party of Ontario has totally denied my wife Annette Martini the Legal Rights to VOTE in Federal Elections, Provincial Elections and Municipal (City) Elections which is a huge International Violations and the Illegal Violations of my wife’s Legal Rights.

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, The Liberal Party of Canada, the Liberal Party of Ontario and the Premier of Ontario Kathleen Wynne, has totally denied me the Legal Rights to Vote in the Federal Elections, Provincial Elections and Municipal (City) Elections which is a huge violation of my Canadian Charter of Rights, a huge Violation of the United Nations Laws and a huge Violation of International Laws.

Since Canada and the Former Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper conducted an International Kidnapping of My Wife Annette Martini and I when we were Legally living in the United States and illegally forced us back to Canada, against our will, we were denied the Legal Rights to have any Identifications, or Passports or Drivers License or Photo ID, or Emergency Travel Documents or FREE MEDICAL.

Canada was directly involved in International Kidnapping and illegally forced us back to Canada against our will. My wife Annette Martini and I were forced back to Canada by Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper at the time and by the Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird at that time.

My wife and I were kidnapped by CANADA and forced back to CANADA on Wednesday, September 18, 2013 by the HARPER GOVERNMENT and the RCMP – Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

According to the American Government the RCMP were planning to assassinate my wife Annette Martini and I the second we were forced back to Canada. I am the only one that foiled this Evil Plot.

CANADA, the RCMP and all Canadian Government Agencies were illegally ordered by Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper at that time and the Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird and the RCMP to NOT give us any Identifications, Passports, Travel Documents, Social Insurance Number, Driver’s License, Photo Identifications and FREE MEDICAL.

Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper at that time and the Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird at that time were hoping that we would just eventually die and so would my true story.

We communicated with Members of Parliament and the Conservative Government to get the hell out of Canada BUT the RCMP that is a Terrorist Organization and Stephen Harper flagged us in every Government Computer and all Canadian Government Agencies across Canada to make sure that we can NOT leave Canada and we will never get any Identifications to make us suffer and die.

My wife Annette Martini and I waited and waited and waited for the Next Election. We were hoping that if a New Government came in and a NEW Prime Minister then we would get out of Canada.

On November 4, 2015, Justin Trudeau became the 23rd., Prime Minister of Canada.

When I was in the Canadian Armed Forces I served under his father, when the late Pierre Elliot Trudeau was the Prime Minister of Canada.

I gave Justin Trudeau a chance and an opportunity to correct the wrongs of Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and I thought that maybe just maybe Canada MIGHT have a NEW Compassion Prime Minister that would issue my wife Annette Martini and I Emergency Travel Documents to Leave Canada.

We immediately wrote to the NEW Minister of Foreign Affairs Stéphane Dion and waited and waited for EMERGENCY TRAVEL DOCUMENTS TO LEAVE CANADA. We received NO REPLIES only silence.

My wife Annette Martini and I then went to have an Emergency Meeting with our New Member of Parliament in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada riding Chris Bittle but our Member of Parliament REFUSED TO MEET WITH US or even to talk to us.

I then gave Chris Bittle a notice, a Legal Notice, giving his office 3 days to give us Emergency Travel Documents and I then received a phone call from his staff member and I met with his rude and ignorant staff members of Elizabeth Scott and Zachary Dadson who were totally and beyond useless.

Of course the Human Rights abuser Chris Bittle from the Liberal Party of Canada continued to refuse to meet my wife and I and get us Emergency Travel Documents to Leave Canada.

How hard is it too issue EMERGENCY TRAVEL DOCUMENTS or Temporary Emergency Passports to leave CANADA?

My wife and I were forced back to Canada and we never wanted to come back but CANADA participated in an International Kidnapping.

CHRIS BITTLE was a Director at Quest Community Health Centre where I was going to get heart medications of which he fully knew. I was not aware that QUEST COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER was a SCAM to get millions of dollars of funding from the Government and nor was I ever told that Quest Community Health Centre is for HOMOSEXUALS.

Now, please never get me wrong. I do not hate anyone and nor do I have anything against anyone. However, I had the RCMP – Royal Canadian Mounted Police that paid homosexuals to RAPE ME and give me AIDS.

I investigated Chris Bittle and his marriage to Charlene Stirling which is nothing but a big scam. Chris Bittle even broke the House of Commons Rules and got his wife money from the House of Commons or the Canadian Parliament. Chris Bittle and his staff are all Homosexuals and that is why I did NOT get any help.

I believe that everyone should be treated equally but this is NOT what is happening in Canada.

The Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau should make LAWS ONLY FOR Canadians but look who marches in the Homosexual Parade. TRUDEAU is first.

Trudeau should not be violating religious rights of others BUT he does.

All new laws are only for HOMOSEXUALS and NOT Canadians.

95% of all Government Jobs are given to HOMOSEXUALS. Again, this is NOT RIGHT and this is discrimination against the rest of the population.

I really thought that Prime Minister of Canada JUSTIN TRUDEAU will undue the wrongs of Canada and Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and undue the wrongs of the RCMP a Terrorist Organization and issue us an Immediate Public Apology and issue us Emergency Travel Documents BUT TRUDEAU decided to escalate his attacks against my wife and I.


Since Prime Minister for Canada Justin Trudeau denied us the legal rights to have any identifications or denied us the Legal Rights to Leave Canada and denied us the Legal Rights to work then I became a Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada for 2019 in December 2015.

Justin Trudeau actually thinks that he can violate Human Rights Laws and walk free and that he is IMMUNE from Prosecution.

I cautioned the Liberal Party of Canada and the Liberal Party of Ontario not to cross that line of No return and the Liberal Party of Canada and the Liberal Party pf Ontario crossed that line which now becomes Human Rights Abuse.

I did contact the Human Rights Abuse in Ontario and they said that since I am NOT a Homosexual then my rights were not violated by the Province of ONTARIO!

WHAT! What does Homosexuals have to do with this?

Again, I was told that the Human Rights are only for HOMOSEXUALS by a Government Employee.

I did not bring this conversation up but a Homosexual Employee with the province of Ontario in HUMAN RIGHTS thinks that ONLY Homosexuals can be discriminated and no one else and this is becoming a bigger problem in Canada.

At STATS CANADA in Ottawa, Ontario Canada, the Federal Government does NOT hire anyone that is NOT HOMOSEXUALS. 97% of all employees at STATS CANADA are all Homosexuals and I personally know this information.

Justin Trudeau refuses to allow my wife and I to be free and refuses to give us Emergency Travel Documents to leave Canada or to allow us to work and Justin Trudeau refuses to give us any Identifications to make us suffer.

I cautioned Justin Trudeau because there is a line and I cautioned the Liberal Party of Canada and the Liberal Party of Ontario NOT to cross that line.

JUSTIN TRUDEAU is denying me to run in the elections in 2019 for Prime Minister of Canada.

I would have ONE LAW for all Canadians and NOT A law for a separate group.

I would allow all Canadians the Legal Rights to work for the Government and NOT just one Group.

I cautioned Canada NOT to force us back to Canada and if they did there would be hell to pay but CANADA and the RCMP forced us back to Canada against our will which is an International Kidnapping and huge violations of the United Nations Laws.

If you are a Canadian I urge you NOT to VOTE for the Liberal Party of Ontario or ever vote for the Liberal Party of Canada or any LIBERALS IN CANADA.

Canada is on the way for a Major disaster because of Justin TRUDEAU the POT HEAD Prime Minister of Canada.



Justin Trudeau will never be a Prime Minister of Canada again!





ALL LIBERALS WILL BE ARRESTED AND ALL POLITICIANS including John Baird and Stephen Harper will be arrested under International Laws!

Please Donate By Clicking Below:

Help My Wife Annette Martini and I to go Into Exile From Canada!

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100% Of Your Donation Will Be Going To Anthony Martini and Annette Martini to Go Into EXILE From Canada To FRANCE!



I am Anthony Martini still a Political Candidate for Prime Minister of Canada for 2019 and beyond.

Threats From TRUDEAU or THE RCMP

Threats From TRUDEAU or THE RCMP
By Anthony Martini (Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada 2019)
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

On Thursday, May 3, 2018 I received an email that was threatening from either Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau or from the RCMP.

This is not the first time I received harassments or Threats from the RCMP- Royal Canadian Mounted Police which I call this Terrorist Organization RCDD – Royal Canadian Drug Dealers.

I had all of my Phones illegally wire tapped by this terrorist Organization, the RCMP ever since I was 15 Years Old because I witnessed an RCMP Sergeant who was a Pot Head smoking Marijuana and Hash in an RCMP Uniform sitting in an RCMP Vehicle.

This RCMP Sergeant who is and was a POT HEAD, later on got promoted up the Ranks at the RCMP and became a bigger drug dealer. I paid with attack after attack after attach because I filed a Police Report against this Dirty Cop. I was so disgusted that this Dirty Cop was doing drugs in uniform and for that the RCMP that are really the RCDD – Royal Canadian Drug Dealers went on persecuting me forever.

Wherever I lived in Canada, this Terrorist Organization the RCMP followed me and persecuted me and then they physically tortured me on a regular basis, no matter what. They even paid homosexuals many times to rape me, as a man and to give me aids. They even used Politicians and Prime Ministers and Attorney Generals and Federal and Provincial and City Employees to persecute me to no end. They even used bikers to try and murder me. They even used Doctors to misdiagnose me, operate on my wrong leg and to even deny me heart medications. They even ordered one Doctor to give me enough seizure medical to kill a horse but I was never an epileptic. They even murdered one of my Doctors that stood up against this Terrorist Organization, the RCMP. The RCMP even totally destroyed a female Reporter’s journalist career, forever, because of me.

They threatened Doctors that if they did not participate in persecuting me and doing what they are told or to deny me Medical treatments when I was injured, then the RCMP would illegally revoke their Medical License. Some witnesses are still alive while others that helped me disappeared without a trace, like my best friend who was Head of Security at Bell Canada and his family, murdered in the middle of the night, by the RCMP who are Terrorists and a Terrorist Organization. They even killed an innocent government worker from a Motor Vehicle Branch in Canada and they even raped her because she helped me. The RCMP even raped my girlfriends that I dated or that I went out with. The RCMP even paid my two ex’s to kidnap my two daughters and to brainwash my two daughters and the RCMP even assisted them in the communities with money and drugs.

The RCMP even bribed Judges with drug money.

The RCMP is also responsible for massive Election Fraud across Canada.

The RCMP even used City Counselors and City Mayors to continue escalating the persecution and attacks against me, right across Canada. The RCMP even used and paid for U.S. Government Workers to illegally harass us, threaten us and put us in False Removal Proceedings in the United States. The RCMP even hired hitmans to murder me but thank God that they failed. One of the hitman lost part of his ear, thanks to me but I am sure that, that hitman was murdered by the RCMP because he did not succeed.

The RCMP even controls every Lawyer in Canada and every Judge in Canada. The RCMP even controls every Media Outlet in Canada and they even control the Freemasons across Canada and the Scottish Rites across Canada that are all Terrorists. The RCMP even control all the Drug Flow in Canada and across the world.

The RCMP even committed mass killings and killed all of my friends.

I even left Canada and they continued to stalk me and destroy me. This terrorist Organization, the RCMP even kidnapped my wife and I when we were in the United States and conducted an International Kidnapping using the Canadian Embassy in Washington, DC and the Canadian Consulates in New York and in Los Angeles, California.

When my wife Annette Martini and I legally resided in the United States, and the RCMP the Terrorist Organization was directly involved in kidnapping my wife and I from California and ordered my physical torture.

Recently, the RCMP used a nurse at Quest Community Health Center in St. Catharines to stop my heart medications. The RCMP the Terrorist organization had illegally used Revenue Canada to steal over 30 Million Dollars from me over the years and they illegally stole all of my Homes, and Businesses and stole all of my money in my Business and Personal Accounts over the past decades, without ever going to court.

This Terrorist Organization the RCMP was involved in kidnapping my 2 daughters when they were 15 months old and 13 months old in 1991 and in 1996.

When my wife Annette Martini and I were in the United States legally, I received massive Death Threats from members of the RCMP, the terrorist Organization.

I swore that one day I will do whatever I can, within the International Laws, to totally dismantle this Terrorist Organization, the RCMP and I swore total revenge in the name of Justice through the Legal Process. I warned the RCMP and their terrorist Members that one day I would declare total war on the RCMP through the Legal System and that day is approaching very fast.

The World Leaders all now know that the RCMP were and still are using Diplomatic Bags and Diplomatic Cargo to ship massive street drugs worldwide using the Canadian Embassies and Canadian Consulates.

The World Leaders and Politicians all now know that I was persecuted by this Terrorist Organization, the RCMP for over 4 decades and physically tortured for over 3 decades by members of this Terrorist Organization known as the RCMP.

Queen Elizabeth II, will do the right thing and totally dismantle this Terrorist Organization, the RCMP that is the Secret Society known as THE ORANGE ORDER of which is the Queen’s Militia that really are nothing but Drug Dealers, hiding behind the badge. The United Nations knows that the RCMP the Royal Canadian Mounted Police which I call the RCDD – Royal Canadian Drug Dealers are using the Canadian Embassies and Canadian Consulates to illegally sell Cocaine and other street drugs worldwide.

The United Nations and the World Leaders all know that this Terrorist Organization, the RCMP is controlling the Canadian Passports and illegally holding my wife Annette Martini and I, as Political Prisoners of Canada, against our will.

The United Nations also knows that the RCMP did in the past and still are selling Canadian Passports to Drug Dealers in-exchange for Drugs. You would be shocked to know who is watching every member of the RCMP in Canada and at all Canadian Embassies and Canadian Consulates Worldwide and their Secret Order the ORANGE ORDER.

The United Nations and world leaders also knows that the RCMP, a Terrorist Organization, is working so hard to get the Pot Head Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau to illegally pass the marijuana bill in Canada which is a violation of the United Nations Laws, International Laws and a huge violation of all Canadians Legal Rights.

If and when the Marijuana Bill passes Prime Minister of Canada will be arrested by the United Nations and so will all Politicians that signed the bill into law, which is illegal.

The United Nations knows that the RCMP that are Drug Dealers are totally behind this ILLEGAL DRUG BILL.

Wherever I lived in Canada the RCMP was always next door to me or across the street conducting illegal wiretaps, illegal video surveillance and even illegal stalking. 4 DECADES LATER NOTHING HAS CHANGED. The Dirty Cops even are across the street from me, above a Law Firm Office, and another RCMP is residing next door to me in the same building. I was told this by the Superintendent of the building awhile ago. The Superintendent even was told by a City Cop that he knew us. I was never at the Cop Shop In Canada since I was kidnapped and forced back to Canada and nor did my wife ever go to the Cop Shop around the corner from us.

The RCMP even contacted a payment company that I used to see how much donations I have received without any Court Orders. That indeed is a big joke because I received ZERO DONATIONS. I was physically tortured in the United States on orders of the RCMP who thought I made 4 Billion dollars in donations which is not true. Again, what a joke. I know every illegal step that this Terrorist Organization the RCMP do. The RCMP the Terrorist even made sure that we never get any identifications or any Passports or any Drivers License or any photo id or any travel documents or any FREE MEDICAL in Canada and this has been going on of no ID since we were illegally forced back to Canada on September 18, 2013.

I am now putting my foot down and the LEGAL WAR is on the way and the RCMP will never win because all my memory is back!

The RCMP tortured me as a disabled man but the last murder attempt and torture brought back all my memories and now I remember and I also remember the faces of the RCMP who are murderers, rapists, drug dealers and the ones that ordered my persecution and torture. I remember their faces as if it was yesterday.

The RCMP the Terrorist Organization, even used my ISP Company that I used, to hack into my computers and servers, and to illegally attack my political website BUT I am watching this Terrorist Organization every minute of the day and recording everything.


Below is a screen shot of the recent threat that I received that claimed it was from Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau. Maybe it was TRUDEAU or maybe it was the RCMP which I also call the MASH POTATOES.

Will Queen Elizabeth II Immediately dismantles the RCMP Drug dealers and her Militia or do I have to get the International Community and the United Nations, to do so?

I am also adding the headers below. The email came from a Bell Canada Customer IP – Sent from (ip address): ( )

For security reasons I have replaced certain information below with xxxxxxxxx that identifies my server and emails.

================================================= FULL HEADER ========================================

Received: from xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
by xxxxxxxxxxx with LMTP id QK0KK9uC61rLsB0APJVgyQ
for <>; Thu, 03 May 2018 17:44:59 -0400
Delivery-date: Thu, 03 May 2018 16:44:59 -0500
Received: from xxxxxxx by xxxxxxxxxxxx with local (Exim 4.89_1)
(envelope-from )
id 1fEM27-008ABp-Ec
for; Thu, 03 May 2018 16:44:59 -0500
Subject: Hello
X-PHP-Script: for

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
From: Justin <>
Message-Id: <E1fEM27-008ABp-Ec@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 03 May 2018 16:44:59 -0500

============================================ SCREEN SHOT BELOW =============================

Threats from Justin Trudeau or the RCMP


If this was NOT Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau sending me threats then I demand that the RCMP arrest the person who was Impersonating the Prime Minister of Canada even if it was and is a cop from the RCMP.

I swore to my enemies which is the RCMP and Prime Minister of Canada that the Legal War is coming soon and it is.

I had over 1 Billion Visitors on MartiniForPm.Com from around the world. I am happy to open everyone’s eyes about the real truth of this Terrorist Organization of the RCMP and the Persecution caused by Canadian politicians.

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau is a Pot Head and a Drug Dealer who is on his way to violate the United Nations Laws and all Canadians Legal Rights to NOT be forced to smell second hand drugs and forced the drugs into our blood stream.

As soon as this Illegal Law is passed in Canada I demand the United Nations place an immediate International Arrest Warrant against Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and all Politicians that passed this illegal bill including the Pot Head Judge.

I will demand that Queen Elizabeth II immediately dissolves the Canadian Parliament, the Ontario Legislative known as Queens Park and immediately dissolves the Liberal Party of Canada which I call THE POT HEAD PARTY OF CANADA.

Prime Minister of Canada will be personally held responsible for passing this illegal and unconstitutional POT HEAD BILL and he will be held totally accountable by Canadians, United Nations and by me, as a Political Candidate for Prime Minister of Canada.

Please Donate By Clicking Below:

Help My Wife Annette Martini and I to go Into Exile From Canada!

Choose currency

Enter amount

100% Of Your Donation Will Be Going To Anthony Martini and Annette Martini to Go Into EXILE From Canada To FRANCE!


If the RCMP, a Terrorist Organization or Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau or any Canadian Politician or the Women’s Movement bring any harm or death to myself, Anthony Martini or my wife, Annette Martini or any of my family members or my children or my wife’s family or children or to my friends or to my supporters then Canada will be immediately shut down by the world.

I am Anthony Martini still a Political Candidate for Prime Minister of Canada for 2019 and beyond.

Missing Children Society of Canada Is A SCAM

Missing Children Society of Canada Is A SCAM
By Anthony Martini (Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada 2019)
Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Today, I went to MSN.COM to check out the news because my wife and I do not have any Cable TV or any TV hookup and I became extremely furious to see a Banner Ad that read “Support the Missing Children Society of Canada” under a article “Missing children in Canada”.

I became so furious because the “Missing Children Society of Canada Is, is nothing but a HUGE BIG SCAM. Actually, every Missing Children Organizations in Canada are all SCAMS and every one of these Fake Organizations are Franchises, Like Child Find of Canada and other so called Missing Children Organizations.

Do NOT give any donations to these Scam Organizations and I repeat do NOT. Do NOT do Finger Prints of Your Child with these so called Missing Children Organizations and I will explain in full details about these SCAM ORGANIZATIONS and how I know so much about these con artist organizations.

PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA JUSTIN TRUDEAU and all City Mayors should never give any Federal or Provincial or City Funds to these CON ARTIST AND SCAM ORGANIZATIONS. Actually, it is the sole duty of the Prime Minister of Canada to close all of these SCAM ARTIST AND FAKE ORGANIZATIONS and close down every Missing Children Organizations in Canada.

You will be shocked to read this article and If I was a Prime Minister of Canada, I would close Every Missing Children Organization in Canada and arrest all Board Members of these Fake Organizations.

All Missing Children Organizations in Canada are all scam artists and operate a highly lucrative Business and they never find any missing children.

This subject of Missing Children is dear to my heart and every time I see these SCAM Organizations pop up I want to SCREAM because of all the money that they receive.

Every time a child in Canada goes missing, these Fake Organizations POP UP and run to get donations from Politicians and from the Public. They even come up with Kits so you can register your child with finger prints and foot prints which is a bigger scam and further endangers your child.

The job of locating Missing Children within the cities in Canada are the sole responsibilities of the City Police and not these FAKE and SCAM Organizations of Missing Children Organizations or Missing Children Society of Canada.

When a Child is Kidnapped in Canada by a Stranger then it is the Responsibility of the City Police and Provincial Police. When the Child is Kidnapped and removed to another Province then it is the Sole Responsibility of the RCMP The Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

These FAKE and SCAM Organizations get their statistics of Missing Children from the Missing Children Registry which is operated by the RCMP but in actual fact these figures are NOT Accurate at all.

The RCMP Missing Children Registrar in Vanier, Ottawa, Canada was operated by a Sergeant of the RCMP for decades who received major kickbacks from these Fake and Scam Organizations like Child Find of Canada and the Missing Children Society of Canada and other Missing Children Organizations. I have personal knowledge of this and I will explain as you continue reading this Shocking Truth about Missing Children Organizations that are all scams in Canada.

Actually, the stats from the RCMP Missing Children Registrar is totally inaccurate. The Majority of the Missing Children in Canada are all Runaways which counts to about 99% of Missing Children in Canada.

Stranger Abductions are rare in Canada but they do happen from time to time and the majority of the Stranger Abductions are caused by homosexuals that rape children. You have two types of Stranger Abductions in Canada of which the RCMP do not record. The first type is where a Homosexual kidnaps a child and rapes a child and then kills a child. This is extremely rare but it happens at least once every few years. The next Stranger Kidnapping is again caused by Homosexuals and where the RCMP do not record these events and this happens far too often to keep statistics and this is where a Homosexual kidnaps a child and rapes a child and then returns the child back to a park, hours later. The RCMP never counts this in their so called stats.

So when a child under the age of 5 years old disappears, then all of these Fake and Scam Missing Children Organizations comes out of the closet and pushes like crazy for donations.

The Majority of these SCAM ARTISTS Missing Children Organizations received a STAMP OF APPROVAL from the RCMP Missing Children Registrar that gets a good kick back, like a certain Sergeant that I knew at the RCMP and that I fully investigated over the years.

When a child goes missing, all the TIN CANS come out for donations. These SCAM AND FAKE MISSING CHILDREN ORGANIZATIONS put the fears into parents.

How do I know all of this you ask?

I am the leading expert on Missing Children in Canada.

There is also Parental Kidnapping and this is a Massive Problem in Canada. Each Year there are over 10,000 Parental Kidnappings in Canada. The RCMP do NOT do their job and do not look for the Kidnappers and this is another reason why I would totally dismantle the RCMP in Canada.

I had my first daughter kidnapped in 1991 by my wife at that time, who is my ex-wife. I contacted the City Police where I was residing and they did NOTHING and called it a Civil Matter. I contacted the RCMP who failed to do their job and said it was a CIVIL MATTER.

The RCMP are racist who do not follow the Law. We have Laws in Canada which is Section 282 and 283 for the Criminal Code of Canada which is a Federal Offense which basically means that one parent cannot deprive another parent of a child without a court order and where one parent cannot remove or conceal a child from another parent without a court order but the RCMP obstructs justice and totally ignores this law which is Parental Kidnapping.

My ex wife, who was my wife, at the time of the kidnapping, kidnapped my first daughter and went across Canada. The City Police failed me and then the RCMP failed me. The Canadian Attorney General Failed me and so did the Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney, at that time, totally failed me. My Member of Parliament failed me.

I used to be a Freelance Reporter for decades and I was a Private Investigator. I even went to Child Find of Canada in the Province in Canada where the kidnapping took place and I was shocked to see so many Mercedes-Benz and BMW’s in the driveway. Of course, Child Find of Canada did not help me and they were useless so I started a full investigation. When I was in their Office I noticed a photo of a Missing Child next to the Donation Box and I never heard of that Child Missing in Canada before but I remembered that Photo of that Missing Child many years ago, when I was in Florida, so I started to conduct a huge Investigation against Child Find of Canada and then I discovered that, that photo they had in the Office was a Missing Child in the United States and NOT in Canada. After continuing my heavy investigation I discovered that CHILD FIND OF CANADA is ONLY a Franchise like McDonalds or Burger King or Tim Hortons. CHILD FIND of Canada was buying photos of American Missing Children so they can illegally raise money.

I also discovered that CHILD FIND OF CANADA never found any children, another bigger scam.

I continued looking for my kidnapped daughter across Canada. My daughter was only 15 months old when she was kidnapped by her Mentally Disturbed Mother but looking for my daughter was looking for a needle in the hay stack.

The RCMP refused to place my daughter as Kidnapped or Missing. The RCMP refused to look for my daughter. I received zero help from the City Cops or the RCMP.

This is where my investigation escalated in investigating Politicians and the RCMP.

There is Federal Laws but the Federal Laws were not being followed by the RCMP and the Attorney General of Canada Kim Campbell, at the time, who totally failed to do her job. SO I conducted a Massive Criminal Investigation against the Attorney General of Canada, at that time, Kim Campbell.

I discovered that the Attorney General of Canada Kim Campbell was heavily involved in the Women’s Movement and this is how she was awarded her job as Attorney General.

The more I investigated the Attorney General of Canada Kim Campbell at the time and the RCMP the more I was led to the Women’s Movement.

I was married in 1986 and now my wife, at that time, disappeared without a trace with my 15 month old daughter.

I did obtain a Lawyer and paid him $10,000.00 as a retainer and a few weeks later my lawyer told me that he used all the money that I gave him and he wanted more. He never filed any Court Documents, and he never did anything except steal my money. This in Canada is called LEGAL THEFT.

There was no warning of a breakup, even though my wife at that time was Mentally Disturbed, of which I did not know at that time. There was no signs of a planned kidnapping. She tore all of my clothes and destroyed every photo. She burnt all photos of my daughter and emptied my bank account of over $50,000.00 and totally disappeared.

I contacted all of her family and they pretended that they did not know where she was.

The Federal, Provincial and Local Governments Failed me. The RCMP and City Cops totally were useless. The Attorney General at that time, Kim Campbell, should have been arrested for obstructing justice. She should have been removed as an Attorney General of Canada but she was placed there by the Women’s Movement who are a POWERFUL Terrorist Organization.

This Kidnapping of my little daughter, hit me extremely hard, because my daughter and I were very close. I sang to her every night. I fed her and I changed her. My wife at the time, was in severe depression and I stepped in as a father to protect my daughter and to feed my daughter.

There were no indications of a divorce. I contacted every Court House across Canada by FAX and by Phone. My Phone Bill was into the thousands of dollars of which I paid. The City Police and the RCMP refused to arrest my wife, at the time, for theft of my money. Over $50,000.00 of my hard earned money gone and the RCMP still said it was a Civil Matter. My 15 month old daughter was kidnapped and I had no idea where she was and the RCMP still said it was a Civil Matter. The RCMP became furious at me, with every call, I made to them, pleading for them to look for my kidnapped daughter. This is how I got involved with a Sergeant of the RCMP at the Missing Children Registrar who told me that a mother cannot kidnap her child. I asked this idiot of a Sergeant, if I kidnapped my daughter, would I be arrested, and he said YES. The Law is the Law and the RCMP refused to obey or follow the laws. There was one law for females if they kidnapped their children but another different law for the fathers and the RCMP refused and refuses to arrest or search for that Child or Children.

My Lawyer was only a thief like the majority of the lawyers in Canada are.

My wife, at that time, did not file for a divorce anywhere in Canada. I checked with every Court House in Canada.

I looked and looked and now the search went physical where I started to look for my daughter. I started to sell all my properties that I owned, one by one, to continue looking for my daughter.

When I tried to look for clues as an investigator, there wasn’t any at all. She even destroyed our wedding certificate. My wife, at that time, destroyed everything and I mean everything. She even destroyed all of my daughter’s toys. There was no clues.

I did discover that she kidnapped my daughter using AIR CANADA which was Federally Owned by Canada at that time.

I started an investigation like no other. Then I realized that my wife, at that time, is a heavy careless spender and soon she would run out of money, so I deposited money in my account, waiting for her to take the bait. I waited and waited because my wife, at that time, was also a thief. I discovered that she stole over a million dollars from my company of which she did the accounting for. She wrote checks to her brothers to filter her stealing my money. Of course, the RCMP refused to arrest her.

I continued depositing $50.00 and $100.00 in my account as bait and waiting for her to steal my money. She had full access to my account. The Bank was warned to immediately notify me of when a withdrawal was made. The Bank Managers knew that she kidnapped my daughter and since this is my bank account, they all worked with me.

I traced her from City to City, by her withdrawing money out of my account and I continued making small deposits but I could not locate my daughter.

I decided to take a break from searching because she was moving too much. It was useless and the search was becoming way to costly. I continued to deposit the bait money as I called it, into my account. I was waiting for 3 consecutive withdrawals from the same city. I even had my wife’s debit card cancelled so she can make a withdrawal at the Bank in person. My Bank deactivated my wife, at that time, debit card, per my instructions. All Banks in Canada were on the alert for the kidnapper, my wife, at that time, and they were suppose to contact the RCMP, per my instructions.

Finally, almost 2 years later, my wife, at that time, went to a Bank because her debit card was not working and she personally withdrew money. The Bank was suppose to get her new address but the teller failed. There was 3 personal withdrawals from the same bank, so I hopped on a Plane and went to that City. The Manager who was fully aware of the kidnapping, allowed me to view the bank videos and I saw my wife, at that time, but not my daughter.

Based on the 3 Personal Withdrawals, I immediately hired a female lawyer in that city to file for an Emergency Divorce and Custody. I even went personally to the City Police Station and filed another Police Report for kidnapping and filed a Missing Person Report, for my daughter, with my lawyer, but the City Police refused to file a report.

As one of the world’s best Private Investigator I felt something was wrong at the Police Station. Again, I was told that it was a Civil Matter. My Lawyer told the Dirty Sergeant and Dirty Police Chief that I am the one filing for a Divorce.

I knew something was not right because I was being victimized by the same Police that are suppose to Protect and Serve.

I continued looking for my daughter day and night, even in the snow. I then had my 3rd heart attack. I took a short break for 2 weeks. I again contacted CHILD FIND OF CANADA in that city and other Missing Children Organizations and got no help whatsoever.

While I was going door to door, looking for my daughter, I discovered something that was not normal in a City. I discovered that there are a great deal of Single Mothers of all ages. This was weird, too weird, so I started to conduct more investigations. I then discovered that this City is the Capital of Child Abductions. This is where all Child Abductors went. There were far too many So called Single Mothers living in one Big City.

I continued the investigation as I continued looking for my daughter. Instead of the City Police and the RCMP looking for my kidnapped daughter, the RCMP escalated an illegal surveillance on me, including Illegal Wire Taps on my phones.

There was no internet. There was no Facebook. There was no Google, at that time, so all of my investigations were what I call leg work and field work. This was extremely costly.

I even signed a document, preventing my wife, at that time, from changing my daughter’s name. My wife, at that time, was flagged across Canada. Unfortunately, my wife, at that time, did NOT have a Drivers License, she never drove. She did not have a Photo ID. She only had her Social Insurance Number which is a Federal ID Number. The investigation was very difficult because she did not work because she was very lazy but she used to work at the Bank where she stole money from Clients at the Bank, as I later discovered. Her brothers were drug dealers and real heavy into drugs.

Childrens Aid refused to assist me even though my daughter’s life was at risk.

Someone was helping, my wife, at that time, to conceal my daughter. Someone told my wife, at that time,to steal all of my money and to destroy all pictures and to destroy my life.

I did not do anything wrong to my wife but she used to smash every dish and every glass in the house, against the wall, for no reason at all, because of her Mental Illness, that I did not know about.

I only wanted custody of my daughter and a divorce from this WIFE FROM HELL.

The Federal and Provincial Government that were suppose to have a Safety Net in place to protect my daughter from her Evil Mother did NOT. The Government that was suppose to protect my daughter from her severe mental mother failed my daughter and I. The RCMP who were suppose to protect my daughter and look for my daughter, all obstructed justice. The Organization for Missing Children were and are all fake and scams. Nobody helped. Everyone failed my daughter and I.

Money was going very fast for lawyers, hotel bills and phone bills and other investigation expenses but I continued.

Someone was helping my wife, at that time, with the kidnapping of my daughter.

I contacted Bell Canada and they placed a tracer on my wife, at the time, brother’s phone. I knew that she was communicating with her brother, the drug dealer.

Finally, we had another investigation hit. I was given the recorded call between my wife, at that time, with her brother, who were working on an Evil Plot to have me murdered. YES, I contacted the RCMP and again they were useless and did nothing, even with a recorded call, that Bell Canada Security Recorded.

My hair stood on end because I was beyond shocked to know that, my ex wife to be, was planning a Murder Contract On my life with her brother.

I continued looking for my daughter. Of course, Bell Canada gave me the Telephone Booth location where she made the call. I knew my wife, at that time, was beyond lazy. She could not even look after my daughter and my only concern was my daughter’s safety. Again, the Attorney General Kim Campbell, at that time, again refused to do anything at all or even force the RCMP to arrest my wife, at that time, for kidnapping and for arranging a murder plot.

I was extremely disturbed by all the Single Mothers in the City where I suspected my wife, at that time, was at. However, no one ever saw my daughter. I placed thousands and thousands of photos in every bank and store in that city. I only had one photo that was in my wallet of my wife, at that time, and my daughter.

No one saw my daughter. I started to worry about what if my wife killed my daughter. After all, she could not even take care of my daughter, when my daughter was born. I was so worried. The Police and the RCMP did not care if my daughter was alive or not.

My Lawyer filed for an Emergency Divorce and full custody but my ex wife to be, had to be located to be served.

The more I looked, the more I was threatened and harassed by the City Police and the RCMP. I was harassed and stalked daily by the RCMP. I would be taking a break at a restaurant or a coffee shop and a couple RCMP losers would show up and just stare at me, and they gave me an evil look and they would not buy anything and then leave.

I was even attacked by the City Police and the RCMP many times and I received many beatings, for looking for my daughter.

Why would my wife, at that time, have so much power? She is a thief who stole a million dollars from my company. She stole $50,000.00 from my personal bank account. She had brothers who are drug dealers and were and still are tax evaders. So why are the City Police and the RCMP giving me beatings, for looking for my daughter?

I started to follow the Chief of Police and the head of the RCMP. Something was wrong. Someone else is participating in the kidnapping of my daughter, that is very powerful, that even controlled the Canadian Attorney General Kim Campbell, but who was it? They controlled the Police, the RCMP and it could not be my wife, at the time, but for sure someone with lots of power was involved in the kidnapping of my daughter and concealing her.

I then came across a female that I met in a small Greek Restaurant. She told me that she has seen my daughter. I was shocked. Then she started to tell me about a YELLOW BOOK. I did meet many weird people and for some reason I believed this young lady. She told me that my life is at risk and if I continued searching for my daughter then I will be dead. I still wanted my daughter that was kidnapped. I told the young lady that I really did not believe the YELLOW BOOK existed. This YELLOW BOOK was a bible to kidnap children and more. The Young Lady told me that she would be back in 30 minutes and she left.

About 30 Minutes Later, she returned with a Paper Bag and in that Bag was a YELLOW BOOK. It was a Plastic Yellow Cover. She quickly left and made me make a promise that I would never ever tell a single soul on where I got that YELLOW BOOK from.

I sat there at the Greek Restaurant, that was very small, for hours and hours, reading this YELLOW BOOK. I was shocked to see that this YELLOW BOOK was a Bible to Kidnap Children and totally destroy the Husband, Boyfriend and the Father.

It went into full details on stealing all money from your husband’s or boyfriend’s Bank Account, to destroy all of their clothes, to destroy wedding pictures and wedding certificate, to destroy all photos of the female and the children. To destroy, destroy, the husband or their boyfriend.

This YELLOW BOOK is still being used by every female kidnapper in Canada and the worse part of it all, is that the City Police, the RCMP, the Attorney General of Canada, the Courts and even the Prime Minister of Canada, all had and still have full knowledge of this YELLOW BOOK, on how a female can kidnap a child and get away with it.

I was totally shocked and my soon to be Ex-Wife, was following this to a T. She stole my money from my Business and Personal Accounts. She kidnapped my daughter and concealed my daughter. She hid so well that I could not even locate her but she screwed up. She took the bait money that I continued to deposit into my own bank account. She also failed, by calling her brother. Even though she was at a Pay Phone, her call was traced and recorded, by Bell Canada Security, that assisted me as Father.

I was shocked as I continued reading the YELLOW BOOK.

It continued point by point, a map, to kidnapping a child or children, how to conceal the child and how to totally destroy the father of the child. I was beyond shocked that even the Police knew this.


Plan the Perfect Kidnapping.

Make sure that your husband or boyfriend, the father of the children, is not aware of your kidnapping.
The day of the kidnapping steal all money from all Bank Accounts.
Make Plane Reservations ahead and get Air Canada Tickets ahead of the kidnapping.
Do not tell your family on what you are doing.
Do not tell your fiends on what you are doing. No one that you know can be trusted.
Destroy all clothes of the father of the child or children.
Destroy all photos of the father with his child or children.
Destroy all Photos even ones that has nothing to do with the child or children.
Destroy all of your husband or boyfriend’ personal belongings and damage all of his property.
Destroy all photos of child or children.
Keep Money that you stole safe.
Destroy wedding Photos and Wedding Certificates.
Do not use your phone when calling Air Canada and making reservations.
Call the Organization to pick up all furniture.
Do not allow your husband or boyfriend to think that you are leaving with your child or children.
You will never be arrested because the City Police and the RCMP will take orders from the Organization.

Do not tell your children that you are kidnapping them.
Once you are ready call the phone nuumber that was secretly given to you and the organization
will secretly move you from city to city.

Any money that you take from your husband or boyfriend must be given to the organization for them helping you.

You must tell your child or your children every minute that their father is evil and does not love them.
You must tell your child or children never to say their name.

If you have a daughter then you must cut her hair like a boy and dress her like a boy.
If you have a son you must let his hair grow or place a wig on him and dress him like a girl.

You must wear dark glasses whereever you go even at night time. The Police and the RCMP will know who you are
at all times but they will never arrest you.

You must make false reports against your husband or boyfriend.

The Organization will supply you with the Best Lawyer that you do not have to pay.

You have to scare the hell out of your child or children and make them hate their father.

You must deny your husband or boyfriend from seeing his child or children.

You must give us all of your money and your husband or boyfriend’ money that you took.

You cannot talk to your friends or family but only one person in your family should know that you are safe but not where you and the child or children are.

You cannot use phones but you can only use pay phones.
You can never contact your husband or boyfriend.
Any money we get for you from welfare you have to give us your entire check.

You must totally destroy the father of your child or children and you must destroy him until he is dead. You must always deny him to see his child or children and you must always use your child or children against him.

You must never let your husband or boyfriend or ex-husband or ex-boyfriend to ever be happy and you must destroy every business they have or their job or any romance that they ever have.

The Organization will only help you if you abide by the rules and the above rules. The Organization also controls the Courts and Children’s Aid, so we will protect you and beyond providing you support the Organization.

Once you are part of this Organization, you will belong to it forever.

Your husband or ex husband or boyfriend or ex boyfriend could never be happy. Other members of the organization will assist you to achieve all the above.


The YELLOW BOOK was about 300 pages thick, many years ago, that was a Bible and a Step by Step Instructions on how to kidnap a child or children and how to Brainwash a child or children. I was beyond belief to read the YELLOW BOOK. I was shocked to see that such words were used to destroy a father forever and to brainwash the little innocent children and to force the child or children to hate their father, even though the father was the best parent or best person. The YELLOW BOOK instructed the female, the Mother, to totally brain wash a child or children. The YELLOW BOOK even went step by step on how to brainwash a Child or Children. I could not believe that this Book, the YELLOW BOOK, assisted my wife, at that time, with Step by Step kidnapping instructions of my 15 Month old Daughter.

The YELLOW BOOK should be totally Banned in Canada and the Authors of the Book should be immediately arrested.

I investigated Who wrote the YELLOW BOOK and it took me to a Secret Society that are Terrorists and that Control the RCMP, the City Police, The Mayors across Canada, The Politicians, The Members of Parliament, the Courts, the clerk of the Courts, the Judges, The Motor Vehicle Branches, Revenue Canada, Welfare and every Government Agency whether it is Federal, Provincial or City.


I was becoming even more shocked with this YELLOW BOOK written by a terrorist to terrorize fathers.


The extensive investigation led me to the terrorist organization known as the “WOMEN’S MOVEMENT IN CANADA” that are all Men Haters and Hate Men.

My investigation continued. I discovered the RCMP and the City Police were involved with the Terrorist Organization known as the WOMEN’S MOVEMENT. The Judges in Canada all take orders from the Terrorist Organization known as THE WOMEN’S MOVEMENT. Even the Prime Minister of Canada takes orders from the Terrorist Organization known as THE WOMEN’S MOVEMENT.

My wife, at the time, was a DYKE, that never came out of the closet, until I caught her with another female. She was a Man Hater of which I did not know. She also hated children. However, she wanted a FREE WELFARE CHECK for a Lifetime and in order for her to do that, she had to have a Child, and then she had to be divorced. THE YELLOW BOOK gave her, the step by step, on how to Kidnap my Daughter and how to get away with it. The Courts in Canada are controlled by the Terrorist Organization known as THE WOMEN’S MOVEMENT. The Police and the RCMP and the Politicians and the Prime Minister of Canada are all controlled by this terrorist organization known as THE WOMEN’S MOVEMENT.

The Children’s Aid in Canada are also Controlled by Homosexuals that Rape Children and the Women’s Movement that hates men. If a worker at the Children’s Aid in Canada, does not know, if he is a man or a woman and then he argues about what Woman’s shoes he should wear, than that homosexual should not be working around children or at the Children’s Aid.

My advice to all fathers is walk away and start a new life, until CANADA removes this Terrorist Organization which is the Woman’s Movement that are all Men Haters from every Government Job in Canada.

Children’s Aid in Canada are beyond useless and only assist female kidnappers and never protect the children. I could give you thousands and thousands of Cases where these Provincial Government Employees that are Homosexuals or Man Haters totally destroyed a child and protected the Evil Mothers.

I believe that people that suffer severe Mental Illness should be banned from working for any Government Office Agency in Canada.

One of the Reasons why Canada and Trudeau and Ontario refuses to give me any Identificatiosn or give my wife any identifications is because of the Terrorist Organization known as the WOMEN’S MOVEMENT. The Other reason is because of the RCMP – Royal Canadian Mounted Police that are a Terrorist Organization that I call RCDD – Royal Canadian Drug Dealers, that kills our children and children worldwide, by selling drugs of which I have solid evidence of.

Despite everything, my first daughter that was kidnapped when she was 15 months old, was and is severely brainwashed from her mother.

The Missing Children Organizations FAILED to help me search for my daughter and that is when I conducted full investigations into every Missing Children Organizations in Canada to rule and say that all Missing Children Organizations in Canada are all SCAMS and especially Missing Children Society of Canada, Child Find of Canada,, Canadian Centre for Child Protection,,, Amanda Pick, CEO of the Missing Children Society of Canada and the list goes on, every Province of Canada and every city in Canada.

If I become the next Prime Minister of Canada then I will immediately shut all of these FAKE and SCAM ORGANIZATIONS especially all these SCAM organizations that claim that they deal with Missing Children.

Each Year, over 10,000 Children are kidnapped and they are all kidnapped by the Mothers. 98% of these kidnappers have severe mental illness or they are Man Haters that never came out of the closets and they all walk free because the WOMEN’S MOVEMENT HELPS them with kidnapping the child or children and the RCMP will never arrest the kidnapper.

I expose the truth and the facts as a Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada.

Over a Billion Dollars each year are collected by these Scam Organizations that claim they deal with Missing Children.

It is time that the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau arrests all of these Directors of these SCAM and Con Artist Organization of Missing Children or it is time for Justin Trudeau to get out of Parliament and step down.

It is time that the Prime Minister of Canada and all Politicians in Canada, stop taking orders, from the Terrorist Organizations known as THE WOMEN’S MOVEMENT, and the Terrorist Organization known as the RCMP – Royal Canadian Mounted Police known as RCDD – Royal Canadian Drug Dealers.

I Finally got my divorce and it was a very nasty divorce but I was only awarded visitation rights, by a corrupt judge, that took orders from the Women’s Movement. Can you imagine that my daughter is kidnapped and all I got was visitation. The Women’s Movement in Canada threatens all Judges that if they don’t obey the Women’s Movement then the Women’s Movement who are a Terrorist Organization will remove the judges from the bench. My daughter was so brainwashed and I have not seen my first daughter since 1995. I received weekly beatings from the RCMP and the City Police every time I went to visit my daughter that was kidnapped.

While I am the only person that ever exposed the YELLOW BOOK, the YELLOW BOOK on how to Kidnap a child and brain wash a child to forever hate their fathers, even when they are adults, the YELLOW BOOK still has full approval by the RCMP, City Police across Canada, Mayors, Politicians, The Attorney General of Canada and by the Prime Minister of Canada.


There is no safety measures whatsoever to protect a child or children from their mentally disturbed mothers.

In 1997, I had my Second Daughter, kidnapped by my Common Law Wife who was a copycat. I had full custody of my daughter and the RCMP was directly involved in kidnapping, my second daughter, who was only 13 months old. The RCMP broke into my Apartment, physically assaulted me and left me for dead. When I woke up 3 days later, my couch where I was, was full of blood, my head was again split open. My furniture was all gone. My Clothes was gone. My shoes was gone. Everything was gone, except the couch, full of blood. My Daughter’s clothes all disappeared and now my daughter was nowhere to be found. The window was opened by the RCMP, so the smell of my dead body would be gone from the apartment. I suffered another severe head injury and severe arm injury.

The Courts ordered the RCMP to locate and retrieve my kidnapped daughter and immediately return her back to me but the Courts were not aware that the RCMP were the kidnappers and were directly involved in the kidnapping of my daughter.

My 13 Month Old Daughter was kidnapped and taken out of the Province and to the Province of Quebec. My Second Daughter was not born in Quebec. Again, I contacted Child Find of Canada and all Organizations that claimed that they dealt with Missing Children and they all failed because they are all SCAM ORGANIZATIONS.

Then I was told by the RCMP and by a Senator in Ottawa and by the Coroner in Quebec that my daughter was killed by her mother, when my daughter was 17 Months Old. I was beyond devastated. This information was also told to me that my daughter is dead by 3 Private Investigators that I personally hired and paid for.

I received a Letter on a Letter Head, from a Senator in Canada, indicating that my daughter died in her Mother’s Care but the RCMP will not arrest her and the Canadian Government cannot force the RCMP to arrest the mother.

The Ministers of Justice in Quebec Paul Bégin and Serge Ménard were personally responsible for participating in kidnapping my second daughter and failed to protect my second daughter, from her evil mother, who was diagnosed with 5 Personality Mental Disorders.

The Canadian Prime Minsters placed a contract on my life and ordered the RCMP to murder me. The City Mayor in a Canadian City also placed a Contract on my life and ordered the City Police to Murder Me.

I was totally devastated for years, knowing that my Second Daughter was murdered. I continued receiving beatings after beatings, on a weekly basis, from the RCMP and City Police, no matter what province I moved to. The Persecution, Torture and weekly beatings continued and even after I married my current wife Annette Martini, then the RCMP started to persecute her.

My Canadian Citizenship was illegally taken away in 1985 after I witnessed 3 Members of the RCMP from the Canadian Embassy in Caracas, Venezuela, executing an innocent man. Then after I was working on the RCMP Main Frame I discovered that the RCMP were selling and shipping massive street drugs using Canadian Embassies. When I told the Prime Minister of Canada, at that time, Jean Chrétien, then a Contract was placed on my life, that was in the RCMP Computers. Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and Prime Minister Kim Campbell also placed contracts on my life for the RCMP to murder me.

The RCMP who have no powers, except as a Terrorist Organization, even stole all of my monies in my Business and Personal Accounts, without ever going to Court.

When I married my wife Annette Martini, the RCMP and the Canadian Government illegally stripped my wife out of her Canadian Citizenship, even though my wife was born in Quebec, Canada, to get even with me.

For many years, my heart was deeply broken to know that my Second Daughter was murdered by her mother and all of my hard efforts as a great father failed, not because I failed, BUT BECAUSE CANADA FAILED ME.

My thoughts were always of my two daughters that were kidnapped with the assistant of CANADA, THE RCMP and THE WOMEN’s MOVEMENT.

I left Canada in 2002 with permission of THE WHITE HOUSE AND PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH.

In 2012, Prime Minister of Canada, at that time Stephen Harper, arranged an International Kidnapping and I was physically tortured for one year. My wife Annette Martini was also kidnapped on orders of Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and we were illegally forced back to Canada, against our will, from the United States.

WAR IS WAR and Canada will not let go and nor will they ever stop their persecution until the UNITED NATIONS ends this or I become the Next Prime Minister or until another Country gets us out of Canada.

I warned the RCMP that I will do everything that I can to dismantle them because they are a Terrorist Organization.

In 2012, MY SECOND EX came out of the closet, with a 15 year old girl and claimed this was my daughter. Although I was not in Canada. This happened just a few months before I was kidnapped. There is no evidence that this is my daughter, so I will have to do a second DNA in the very near future. My Second Daughter that I was told was murdered by her Mother was told by her crazy mother that I WAS A DRUG ADDICT but I never did drugs in my life. My Second Daughter was told that I was evil but that is so much lies she was told. I still do not know if my Second Daughter is alive or not. If my Second Daughter is in fact alive and CANADA and THE RCMP LIED TO me so I can suffer then there will be hell to pay. I will make sure that every Politician and every Minister of Justice and every Attorney General of Canada will be arrested either by Canada or by the International Community.

QUEBEC will pay the highest price for participating in the kidnapping of my Second Daughter. QUEBEC already received a Legal Notice. The RCMP will be dismantled either by me if I become the Prime Minister of Canada or by Queen Elizabeth II or by the United Nations. No matter what, the RCMP a Terrorist Organization will be totally dismantled and all of its members that participated in attempted murder, murder,persecution and torture and kidnapping, will face life in Prison Overseas.

Now, DO NOT Register your Child with these Scam Missing Children Fake Organizations. Child Find of Canada and Other Scam Missing Children Organizations takes finger prints of your children and pictures. These organizations also sells photos of your children to perverts. I said I investigated them to a T.

If you finger print your child or your baby then when your child becomes a teen or an adult and breaks the law then you gave their finger prints to the system that should not have it. Trust me you will not locate your child through Finger Prints if your child went missing. Protect your child’s rights. Protect your children.

These FAKE Organizations of Missing Children will appear at Shopping Malls and in front of Beer Stores across Canada, soon looking for donations and showing picture of a child that they BOUGHT. DO NOT AND I REPEAT DO NOT GIVE ANY MONEY TO THESE CON ARTIST and SCAMS OF MISSING CHILDREN ORGANIZATIONS. They will even have a nice looking female showing her legs to get more donations. TRUST ME THAT THESE ORGANIZATIONS ARE SCAMS and when I become the Next prime Minister of Canada, it will be an immediate SHUT DOWN of ALL OF THESE SCAM ORGANIZATIONS and every Missing Children Organization in Canada. In plain English, SAY NO, to these Scam Organizations of Missing Children. Ask the 10’s of thousands of Fathers that lose their Children each Year through Parental Kidnapping IF THESE ORGANIZATIONS ever found their Children. Ask the hundreds of females that had their Child or Children kidnapped if these Organizations ever helped them.




I had 2 daughters kidnapped and I was told my second daughter is dead. These FAKE and SCAM Organizations are just that. The RCMP gets a nice kickback from these con artist organizations of Missing Children Organizations.

Just because a Company is registered as a NON-PROFIT Organization only means that they were stamped as a Charity and that is all. 97% of all charities in Canada are SCAMS.

When a child goes missing, it is the Sole Responsibility of the RCMP, and the RCMP, should be forced to follow the law, but in my opinion, I will be the man who will dismantle the RCMP. I will be the only Political Candidate that will never accept a bribe from these Terrorist Organizations of the RCMP or the Woman’s Movement.

If you had your child kidnapped in Canada, just file a huge lawsuit, against Canada, the Province of where the Kidnapping Took Place, the Province that is concealing your abducted Child or Children, the RCMP, the City Police and the Woman’s Movement and move on with your life, because the Legal System in Canada and all Judges are full of massive corruption because of the RCMP and the Woman’s Movement.

I spent over $300,000.00 searching for my first daughter. I spent endless amount of Money trying to protect my Second Daughter. There will be the World’s Largest Lawsuit against Canada, the Provinces that were involved in kidnapping my daughters and against the Terrorist Organization the Woman’s Movement and the Terrorist Organization the RCMP.





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100% Of Your Donation Will Be Going To Anthony Martini and Annette Martini to Go Into EXILE From Canada To FRANCE!


While I am Forced to Remain in Canada, I will remain A Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada for 2019 and beyond and I will shut down all Missing Children Organizations in Canada.

Anthony Martini (Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada For 2019 and I will SHUT DOWN ALL MISSING CHILDREN ORGANIZATIONS IN CANADA)