Ontario Denied Free Medical For Over 7 Years

Ontario Denied Free Medical For Over 7 Years

By Anthony Martini
(Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada)

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

UPDATE: – Thursday, December 24, 2020 – 4:05 PM at the very bottom!

Anthony Martini and Annette Martini

(Anthony Martini and Annette Martini – Proof that we are married! Canada illegally said that we are not married. We are erased!)This is the 18th time that the Province of Ontario, Canada illegaly denied my wife Annette Martini and myself Anthony Martini (Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada).

For over 7 years OHIP – Ontario Health Insurance Plan which is FREE Medical in the Province of Ontario, Canada has illegally denied my wife Annette Martini and I, Anthony Martini any FREE Medical which is a GROSS Violation of United Nations Laws, International Laws, Canadian Laws and Human Rights Laws. That is 2,652 days of NO Medical in the Province of Ontario as of this date of Tuesday, December 22, 2020.

My wife Annette Martini and I, Anthony Martini were Illegally denied to see Doctors and go to the Hospital for FREE. We are denied the Legal Rights to be treated for our severe injuries from the torture we received through an International Kidnapping that was organized and arranged by Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper at that time and by the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird at that time.

Of course, the Canadian Embassy in Washington, DC, United Sates of America and the Canadian Consulate in Los Angeles, California were also directly involved in the International Kidnapping and our torture of my wife Annette Martini and myself, Anthony Martini.

(The pictures below are of my wife Annette Martini and myself Anthony Martini after we were illegally forced back to Canada against our will and after we were tortured for 1 year.) These photos prove the Physical Torture and Torture that was illegally ordered by Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird. The Photos below were taken on September 18, 2013.

    This is my wife Annette Martini after being tortured on Orders of Canada and Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird. This photo was taken by Southridge Shelter on Wednesday, September 18, 2013.  My wife looked like she just came out of a Concentration Camp and she only weighed 80 lbs. 36. kgs. The Province of Ontario illegally denied my wife Annette Martini Immediate Emergency Medical Attention.

This is a photo of myself Anthony  Martini after being physically tortured on Orders of Canada, Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird. This photo was taken by Southridge Shelter on Wednesday, September 18, 2013.  I was in a Concentration Camp being tortured for 1 year. I  weighed 120 lbs. 54. kgs down from 220 lbs – 100 kgs. I had my 5th heart attack, 7 teeth missing and broken bones and The Province of Ontario illegally denied me Immediate Emergency Medical Attention.

(The photo to the left was taken 2 years later after my wife Annette Martini and I were illegally forced back to Canada against our will in an International Kidnapping.) 

We contacted the useless Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Christine Elliott many times regarding our Extreme Emergency and all we got was total silence from Christine Elliott and we end up dealing with her beyond useless and Human Rights Abuser staff. Before the useless Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Christine Elliott we dealt with another useless Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Dr. Eric Hoskins who was well rewarded for persecuting us and illegally denying us FREE MEDICAL which is OHIP for the Province of Ontario.

Can you imagine for OVER 7 Years we are illegally denied FREE MEDICAL in Canada and in the province of Ontario by corrupt Ministers of Health Christine Elliott, Dr. Eric Hoskins and Deborah Drake Matthews all of whom are and were Gross Human Rights Abusers.

The final straw was when I contacted the useless Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Christine Elliott on Monday, November 23, 2020 and instead of Christine Elliott returning my call and apologizing to myself and my wife Annette Martini, the USELESS Politician Christine Elliott got her other crazy staff to call me. On Thursday,  November 26, 2020 I received a call from an insane Government Employee by the name of LUKE who was beyond useless. LUKE who was beyond rude and very hostile refused to give me his full name and he just passed the buck and told me to again contact OHIP and send them an email.

In Canada when you want to talk to any Government Agencies both Federal and Provinical you have to PRESS 1 FOR INDIA and I am not joking at all. Canada is now over flooded with illegals from INDIA. I have no idea how they got a hold of Government Jobs but what I will only say is that Canada and the Province of Ontario are very racist against Canadians by  giving highpaying jobs to illegals from India who cannot hardly speak English.

I sent an email to OHIP and again I am being treated like trash. NO RESPECT for Human Life. The Human Rights violations escalated by more Corrupt Government Employees violating United Nations Laws, International Laws and Canadian Charter Rights.

Once again, our Legal Rights to FREE MEDICAL – OHIP – was illegally denied by another corrupt Government Employee by the name of Kathryn Fleming.

We demanded  from the Corrupt Government Employees at OHIP to hand over our Extreme Emergency to the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Christine Elliott. It was very simple. INSTEAD of our Emergency and our File being immediately handed over to the Ontario Ministry of Health to make an Emergency Decision and give us FREE Medical we ended up receiving an ILLEGAL and CRIMINAL Rejection from a corrupt Government Employee by the name of Kathryn Fleming.

This Corrupt Government Employee who is a Gross Human Rights Abuser illegally decided to break and violate all International Laws and United Nations Laws and Canadian Laws and was so vicious and gave us an ILLEGAL REJECTION LETTER.

I will post that Illegal Letter on a Government Letter Head very soon. This Letter was given to the United Nations.

I demand that this corrupt Government Employee Kathryn Bush Fleming (Kathryn Fleming) immediately without any delay have her job immediately terminated and banned forever from ever working for the Province of Ontario or any Government in Canada. I have no idea why the Province of Ontario hired Kathryn Fleming and gave her a salary of $120,573.00. I am sure that this corrupt Government Employee who is a Gross Human Rights Abuser received an increase of pay to persecute my wife and I.

We went to Service Ontario in St. Catharines, Ontario and we communicated with OHIP 18 times and each time we were illegally denied FREE MEDICAL.

After a very lengthy Criminal Investigation I have finally concluded that the Province of Ontario was directly involved in an International Kidnapping with Canada.

As one of the Best Private Investigators in the world I found it beyond strange that the Province of Ontario kept on illegally denying us FREE MEDICAL – OHIP.

SERVICE ONTARIO also controls not just OHIP – FREE MEDICAL in the Province of Ontario but they also control Ontario Drivers Licenses and Photo Identifications all of which we were illegally denied for 18 times and over 7 years.

I see hundreds of foreigners driving cars each day and they are not Canadians. I have seen thousands of people from INDIA all have FREE MEDICAL in the Province of Ontario BUT yet, my beautiful wife Annette Martini and I, Anthony Martini are illegally denied to have FREE MEDICAL by illegals from India who totally infiltrated the Governments both Federal and Provincial in Canada.

Did this Corrupt Government Employee Kathryn Bush Fleming (Kathryn Fleming) receive illegal bribes or kickbacks from the Orange Order who is a Terrorist Organization to illegally deny us FREE MEDICAL over and over and over and over again 18 times and over 7 years later?

Or did this Corrupt Government Employee Kathryn Bush Fleming (Kathryn Fleming) order other Government Employees to illegally deny us FREE MEDICAL over 18 times and over 7 years later?

Or does this Corrupt Government Employee Kathryn Bush Fleming (Kathryn Fleming) love to persecute Canadians?

Or is this Corrupt Government Employee Kathryn Bush Fleming (Kathryn Fleming) receiving illegal funds or kickbacks to give all illegals from INDIA FREE MEDICAL which is OHIP in the Province of Ontario and illegally denies Canadians OHIP – FREE MEDICAL?

It was a very simple demand that I put in writing and I instructed that our File and Our Emergency be immediately given to the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Christine Elliott and I demanded that our file  not be handled by any other Governmnet Employee who are Gross Human Rights Abusers and directly involved in Gross Human Rights Abuse and persecuting us for their pleasures for over 7 years.

Instead of Kathryn Bush Fleming (Kathryn Fleming) ending the Gross Human Rights Abuse she decided to PLAY GOD with our lives. I doubt very much if Kathryn Fleming believes in GOD. However, I cautioned OHIP and the Corrupt Government Employees at OHIP NOT to take that dark road in joining the persecution BUT Kathryn Fleming really enjoys her job in persecuting people.

I demand that the United Nations charge Kathryn Bush Fleming (Kathryn Fleming) as a Human Rights Abuser and all Corrupt Government Employees in the Province of Ontario and Canada that were involved with kidnapping my wife Annette Martini and myself, Anthony Martini and torture and persecution.

I demand that the Province of Ontario immediately without any delay terminate the high paying job of this Human Rights Abuser Kathryn Bush Fleming (Kathryn Fleming). Furthermore, Kathryn Bush Fleming (Kathryn Fleming) should also be denied to practice as a nurse and she should be denied to ever be employed by any Governments or Government Agencies and she should be banned forever from working in any medical office or medical field anywhere on this planet.

How in the hell did Kathryn Bush Fleming (Kathryn Fleming) ever get a job working for the Province of Ontario when she is a Gross Human Rights Abuser? She is not even qualified to do anything useful.

The Province of Ontario must immediately terminate Kathryn Bush Fleming (Kathryn Fleming) now and ban her for life from every working for any Government in Canada.

If I was a Prime Minister of Canada tomorrow then I would go one step further and strip her out of her Canadian Citienship and hand all of my enemies to the International Criminal Courts to be charged as War Criminals including Kathryn Fleming and all involved in persecuting us from OHIP.

Kathryn Bush Fleming (Kathryn Fleming) ordered other Government Employees to continue the Gross Human Rights abuse and persecution against my wife Annette Martini and myself, Anthony Martini Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada.

I demand that the Premiere of Ontario Doug Ford immediately terminate the employment of Kathryn Bush Fleming (Kathryn Fleming) and all corrupt Government Employees that were involved in denying us Basic Citizenship Rights, Drivers Licenses and Photo Identifications.

I also demand that the Premiere of Ontario Doug Ford immediately terminate all Government Employees from Service Ontario in St. Catharines, Ontario that were employed from September 20, 2013 to the current date that violated all International Laws, United Nations Laws and discrimiated against my wife and I, Anthony Martini and that were directly involved in our Persecution.

I will be delivering all names of all Corrupt Government Employees and Politicians in Canada and the Province of Ontario that were involved in the International Kidnapping and persecuting and torture of my wife Annette Martini and I, Anthony Martini.

There will be severe accountability in the name of Justice by these Gorrupt Government Employees being immediately fired and removed from their employment with the Government. I will demand that the United Nations immediately arrest all involved and charge them with Gross Human Rights Abuse, International Kidnapping, Persecution and Torture and other International and United Nations Violations.

Kathryn Bush Fleming (Kathryn Fleming) also illegally denied my wife Annette Martini and I, Anthony Martini to be tested for Covid-19. This Human Rights Abuser will get a FREE vaccine for covid 19 BUT this Criminal illegally denied us to get a vaccine for covid 19 when it comes available. This Criminal alos denied me to see a heart specialist and to get a wheelchair and I NEVER Forget my enemies and nor will GOD!

There will be Severe Accountability within the LAW against all of my Enemies and Human Rights Abusers.

Again, I will be posting the illegal criminal letter for the entire world to see at a future date.

Anthony Martini
(Political Candidate For Prime Minister of Canada)

UPDATE: – Thursday, December 24, 2020 – 4:05 PM – ET – The illegal rejection letter is now available for the entire world to see. I did not remove any contents of this illegal letter and nor did I hide any contents. First of all when you look at this illegal letter and to prove that this is human Rights Abuse. When you file anything with any Government worldwide there is a FILE NUMBER. In this case there is no file number. Second of all any communications from any Government has to have two separate letters. It is illegal to place two names on a letter especially if it is a rejection letter. In plain English there is suppose to be a separate file number for myself and another separate file number for my wife and that did not happen. In the PDF letter in the saved file it had FINAL. This corrupt Government Employee Kathryn Bush Fleming (Kathryn Fleming) MUST be immediately fired and be arrested under United Nations Laws for Gross Human Rights Abuse and Violations. This is over 7 years that OHIP – Ontario Health Insurance Plan has illegally denied us FREE Medical from the same head office. There will be severe legal accountability against all corrupt Canadian Government Employees that were and are still involved in International Kidnapping, Torture, Physical Torture, Human Rights Violations, Human Rights Abuse and for illegally denying us Passports, Drivers Licenses, Identifications, the rights to work and FREE MEDICAL which is OHIP. (The File Below is in PDF and unedited.)


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